Rubio: “Outrageous” That Planned Parenthood Rep Works for D.A. Who Indicted David Daleiden – IOTW Report

Rubio: “Outrageous” That Planned Parenthood Rep Works for D.A. Who Indicted David Daleiden

LifeNews: Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio came to the defense of David Daleiden, the man behind the Planned Parenthood videos, on the campaign trail Tuesday in Iowa.

rubio cnbc debate

As LifeNews reported Monday, a Texas grand jury has ignored the videos exposing a Houston-based Planned Parenthood abortion clinic caught selling aborted baby body partsand has indicted Daleiden and another pro-life advocate instead. If convicted, Daleiden faces 20 years in prison while Planned Parenthood officials face no legal consequences for their actions.

Pro-life groups are questioning whether the indictment was politically motivated, and Rubio echoed that concern during an Iowa town hall meeting Tuesday.  MORE

9 Comments on Rubio: “Outrageous” That Planned Parenthood Rep Works for D.A. Who Indicted David Daleiden

  1. There are 750 attorneys in that office. There are probably a few communists, christians, muslims and various other stripes of America represented in that office. More or less liberal, but various stripes of America.

    The thing about the charges that chill me and should chill all media is that they charged an undercover journalist with creating a forged documents. This seems to indict any and all past and future “sting” operations done by journalists that require a false ID to infiltrate company.

    On the positive side we can start locking up PETA jackwagons.

  2. Yesterday, the Harris County DA said that the attorney who is in bed with PP, never touched that case.

    Remember too, that if they go to a jury trial, twelve fine citizens of Harris County will sit on that jury and can nullify that indictment. They can squash it, regardless of the “facts”. Or, just one of them with one scintilla of a conscience can hang that jury.

    In the end, if they are convicted or plead guilty, watch ol’ Greg Abbott pardon them. I hope he does.

  3. You have the purse strings in your power to defund this slaughter house but not one of you faux pro-life politicians will write the bill.
    Your outrage is fake Rubio, just like your forehead. The only reason you are bringing this up is because of the election.

  4. It is really horrible if this guy was associated with the case and the indictment will be thrown out promptly.

    But even if this guy wasn’t involved at all, it is really pathetic that these investigative journalist are indicted. I guess one lesson is to never turn off the recorder and get a bigger memory stick if you are going to get nailed for editing by turning it off at unwanted times to save space.

    So can we go after news stations and reporters for highly editing news clips to mislead people?

    I suspect this case will be thrown out. I think they played fast and loose with the requirements to meet the indictment standard.

    Really pathetic though that Republicans in DC can’t even get a victory on this subject and defund PP.

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