Rush, Still Telling It Like It Is – IOTW Report

Rush, Still Telling It Like It Is

In a piece penned for The National Review, Rush Limbaugh gives a short history lesson on Conservative media and explains why the Main Stream Media has given up its veil of objectivity to show its ugly liberal face.  More

NEW YORK - JANUARY 30: Rush Limbaugh attends the premeire of HBO's "Bernard and Doris" at the Time Warner screening room on January 30, 2008 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)

The Socialists are losing and they know it.

11 Comments on Rush, Still Telling It Like It Is

  1. If it were not for this man….the conservative movement wouldn’t exist. we owe much to him.

    if you don’t already…i’d strongly suggest subscribing to the Limbaugh Letter. just the interviews are worth it. this month Victor Davis Hansen.

  2. I listen basically every day, and his utter fearlessness if probably the one thing that people most take for granted about him.

    When you consider that his official enemies include the Clintons, Obamas, Soros, the International Globull Warming Consortium, Organized Labor, Feminazis, Code Pink, and unhinged Leftie anarchists of every stripe and color, and when you also consider the MOUNTAINS of cash this man has earned entertaining and enlightening us while enfuriating them into utter madness, you have to wonder how he keeps doing it.

    But God bless him, he does, and if anything, he’s gaining steam.

    Like us, he’s DONE with the GOP.

    Like us, he gets that Trump is the poison pill for the Uniparty, who will deliver the White House back into being Our House.

    MegaDittos indeed, El Rushbo!

  3. I listen to Rush daily until noon out here about in the Pacifist Northwest. After that its a crapshoot. Glenn Beck comes on right after Rush and I can usually tolerate about half an hour, before turning to the other alternative, noon to three, and that’s Hannity.

    But Sean Hannity is such a crashing boor, loves the sound of his own voice better than anyone he is supposed to be interviewing, but at least he doesn’t have that howling, whiny fucking theme love song that Beck insists on playing.

    At three, I try and tune in to Mark Levin, and its always amusing to hear him rant, and he’s one hell of a lot more well informed about the Constitution than anyone else on the air, including Rush Limbaugh.

    But what I really look forward to at 10 AM on Sundays, is when morning worship services begin at the Chapel of Our Lady of the Red Zone on DirecTV….

  4. After the way NR treated John Derbyshire and Mark Steyn, the suits there should listen closely to what Rush says. Years ago I read NR religiously. I hardly even check their page any more.

  5. Ditto. The magazine died when Bill died. I let my subscription lapse in 2008; I just wasn’t interested in politics after “the people” elected a known Marxist. Since that time the magazine has dwindled to a RINO mouth-piece. It deserves to go out of business.

    FWIW: My subscription ran from the mid-eighties to 2008.

  6. Rush is top notch, Listen to him daily. Can take a little of Savage after that, but get tired of Michael wanting me to buy his books. I can’t listen to Beck anymore; he has lost it. Now he’s hawking a new novel about Santa Claus. Finally, there is NO ONE like Mark Levin. He is the cat’s meow and the best constitutional scholar we have. He and Rush are friends, thank God.

    I like the way Levin will not tolerate fools.

  7. I started listening to Rush(daily) in the summer of 1990, at work, at the suggestion of a Baptist missionary headed for the mission field in Nigeria (where I believe he still is) when the fist Gulf War was heating up. At first I did not want to listen to talk radio, but Steve told me he thought Rush might be to my liking and we would listen for only five minutes then turn to whatever I wanted if I didn’t like him. I was hooked till now in the first minute. He has been my company and encouragement through severe illness/injury, unemployment, depression, and even the good times.
    I was far right when I started listening to him, and probably would be considered well to the right of him now, but I can’t even imagine my life without Rush keeping me company daily for the last 26+ years.

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