Rush Wonders Aloud Why the MSM is Ignoring the DWS Hammer Story – IOTW Report

Rush Wonders Aloud Why the MSM is Ignoring the DWS Hammer Story

Daily Caller-

Citing an exclusive report by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s investigative group, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh voiced frustration that Democrats are sidestepping media attention due to potential improprieties.

FBI agents recently seized smashed computer hard drives from the home of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s information technology (IT) administrator, according to sources. The Pakistani-born longtime IT aide to the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman who resigned in disgrace has since tried to retrieve the hard drives. Limbaugh noted and lamented that many of the popular news outlets have hardly touched the story.

“Here we got leaks, and here we’ve got ‘sources with knowledge of the investigation’ talking about Democrats,” Limbaugh said. “Well, The Daily Caller’s been the only ones on it. I mean, they’re the ones who did that story two weeks ago. They revived it a bit today. But nobody’s picking up on this. It makes sense. This is the exact kind of story the Democrats and the Drive-By Media would want to ignore.”


ht/ all too much


10 Comments on Rush Wonders Aloud Why the MSM is Ignoring the DWS Hammer Story

  1. If they wait too Long to Cover this , Debbie Will Be in a Cell. By then Fox will Have the exclusive on “Debbie Stabbed in Jail for Not Sharing her Extra Grease With Sheeniqua!

  2. If the MSM found “the smoking gun” IN the hand of a *Democrat*, who was standing at the foot of the victim laying dead on the floor, the MSM would focus on the debts of the nextdoor neighbor.

    The only coverage they WILL do of DebDoes WaterSh!ts is of the “persecution/witch hunt” of the Republicans who go after her.

  3. Maria Bartiromo asked Trey Gowdy about this in March – one month after I became aware of it from news reports. Gowdy feigned shock and told Maria she knew more about it than he did.

    There’s a lot here that a lot of people find in their best interest to cover up.

    By the way, notice that Gowdy – who loves a microphone – isn’t front and center calling the Russia story bogus and defending Trump? Lots of people’s masks are falling off.

    Why isn’t Sessions all over this and Hillary and the Clinton Haiti scam and Obama’s unmasking and the Podesta boys getting millions from Russia but not reporting it and investigating how life long public servants become multimillionaires? Surely Sessions has the inside skinny on a lot of this dirt.

  4. TO Page
    …and Brennan, and Holder, and Lynch, and Power….

    That’s why I believe – warts and all – Giuliani would carry out Trump’s words where Sessions has “Gowdy”-ed (“John Roberts-ed” ?)out.

  5. Why smash a hard drive with a hammer and then keep it? If you are looking to destroy data then make sure it gets in a landfill.
    Plus smashing it with a hammer does not guarantee the data is erased.

  6. They kept the hard drives for insurance and blackmail, especially with Arkancide so common. They could have destroyed them easily if they’d wanted to. First, run a wipe (like in a cloth) program like DBaN – nothing less than a professional data recovery service with electron microscopes have even a small chance of reading the data again.

    Then put the drive through a shredder that reduces it to small chips. Buy the shredder yourself so the drives never leave your possession – they’re not that expensive, and why should you care since the taxpayers pay for it.

    Heck, run the chips through the shredder a second time (don’t cut yourself on the sharp edges!) just to be sure. Stir the chips up and drive around town, dropping the bits in different trash cans at gas stations and other public places.

    Sure, this is overkill, but not when you consider who they were working for.

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