Russians Take On Muslims in Planned Street Brawl – IOTW Report

Russians Take On Muslims in Planned Street Brawl

Annie sends in this video on Clash Daily. It’s a planned street brawl between two “gangs,” Muslims and Russians. The Shahs versus The Nyets, if you will.

Click here to see what happens.

It reminds me a bit of the picture I chose for this post- a screencap from The Wanderers, one of my favorite movies, starring our pal, Ken Wahl.

(If you have nothing to do this afternoon, here’s the full movie on YOUTUBE.)


21 Comments on Russians Take On Muslims in Planned Street Brawl

  1. It’s an old video but none the less it certainly highlights several things. Russians and eastern Europeans are some tough cookies. They’re taught from an early age to fight-pussies are shunned.

    Kinda the way it used to be here. I know that if some moslims challenged my old 20th Gym in Denver to a brawl, you’d have no problem getting a park full of guys. But I’m sorry to say the nearby DAC or Denver Health Club would barely fill a telephone booth.

    Personally, I think it’s a lot healthier then Chechens killing a symphony hall full of patrons and having the Russians wipe your cities out.

  2. Noticed that the muslims all curled up into little balls. If that happened in the U.S (providing you could find non-pussified U.S. men) they would be curled up into little balls and be screaming racism.
    Like all bullies, muslims are only brave when they have the advantage in numbers or weaponry, when they are stood up to, they shoe their true selves, AKA crying cowards.

  3. Sadly, the Russians and the Chinese seem to be the only governments on Earth that have a fucking clue about muslims, and their societies are almost as bad as raghead society. Something about liberty turns people into mush headed sheep yearning for their own slaughter by the wolves they invite in to do the job.

  4. I love this video. In fact I made a version with music and laugh tracks that got me kicked from youtube. I’m not sure it’s muslims v non muslims. I made my video in 2010.

  5. it reminds me of the Russian youtube video where a shuttle bus full of cartoon mascots scramble out and beat the shit out of the driver of another vehicle.

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