Saint Trayvon: The Musical! Play Attempts To Whitewash A Thug’s Death – IOTW Report

Saint Trayvon: The Musical! Play Attempts To Whitewash A Thug’s Death

BearingArms: I covered every single minute of George Zimmerman’s trial when I worked for my former employer.

You know what I learned watching that trial day in, and day out?

I learned that Florida’s “stand your ground” laws had nothing at all to do with Zimmerman’s defense, which was predicated on a classic case of self defense. While Zimmerman didn’t have a duty to retreat under Stand Your Ground, the relevant fact is that he never had the option to retreat because of the nature of the attack.  more

32 Comments on Saint Trayvon: The Musical! Play Attempts To Whitewash A Thug’s Death

  1. I shoot at a variety of ranges. We test a lot. Our local/county gun range sells that very picture with the pink finger nail polish as a target. They sell Rage Boy too. Keep it up bitches.

  2. I recommend the book: “If I had a Son.” “race,guns,and the railroading of George Zimmerman,” by Jack Cashill
    What a screwing George Zimmerman got, from the White House, the DOJ, and the media. A national disgrace.

    Good post MJA.

  3. by all means, yes, let’s have us a musical about saint trayvon…..but let’s leave out the pictures of the fourteen year old angel, and portray him as the huge tattooed thug he was when he tried to kill mr zimmerman…….

    and indeed, if barry soetero had a son, he probably WOULD look like trayvon at the time of his death……hooked on drugs, tattooed everywhere possible, flashing his middle fingers and his guns all over facebook, and running around with all manner of burglary tools in his fannypack, trying to beat the brains out of some poor man who got in his way, who will never get his own life back…..

    mr zimmerman will be in the news everytime he jaywalks, for the rest of his life…..because he didn’t allow saint trayvon to beat him to death……..

    sounds just like barry jr to me………

  4. well, no…..not really…..if barry had a son, he’d most probably be marching in the gay pride parade in san francisco…….five seven and 160 pounds…..with leathers, rubbers, and boas…. and stilettos……..and ……i’m sorry, i can’t EVEN…….

  5. I followed the trial too. The prosecution refused to allow the pertinent facts about Martian’s consumption of “lean”

    That’s the concoction made with Watermelon Ice Tea, Skittles and Robitussin(Tuss) cough medicine. They refused to have his blood tested for it. They refused to allow into evidence the testing of Martian’s liver which indicated heavy use of the active ingredient in Tuss, dextromethorphan. They even turned the can of Watermelon Ice Tea to the side so the jury wouldn’t be offended by the supposed stereotype.

    Funny that he bought 2 of the 3 ingredients that night and funny that the 10 minute walk to the 7-11 took over 45 minutes on the way back.

    He was higher then a kite that night on it-it puts you into a dream like state and makes you even more prone to acting out violently any feelings you have-the perfect drug for low IQ nubians.

    Also funny how these very same nubians try to make this thug out to be harmless. And yet there are millions of white Americans that apparently don’t have a problem living with them.

    Go figure.

  6. Andrew Branca, who wrote Law of Self Defense, followed the trial and laid out all the facts of the case.

    They show Trayvon had ample time to be at his father’s GF’s home, but instead, waited in hiding to jump George.

    When I looked at the Googlemap of the event, I could not find a convenience store anywhere within walking distance.

    I’m thinking, even the story of him going to a store is made-up BS.

  7. MM, Where in heck is this alleged 7-11?

    Check out a Google map of the area. There is not a convenience store within 10 min walking distance of the incidence.

  8. There’s video of him at the store-it might not have been a 7-11, I used that just to mean a convenience store.

    He passed some cash to a couple of guys that bought him some small cigars which they then remove most of the tobacco and fill it with marijuana. It’s what users of lean like to do when they’re flying on dex.

    I’ve seen the video.

  9. MM, My last sentence covered any convenience store.

    Not focused on the use of one store’s name.

    Just that there is no store at all within walking distance. Not even a spot where one may have stood but is gone.

    Maybe I’m wrong. Here is an overview of the area. Where is this convenience store’s location? Even a closed down store spot that’s been scraped flat will satisfy me.,+Sanford,+FL+32771/@28.7930111,-81.3307412,788m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x88e71298446ef275:0x103240a29e5dea4e!8m2!3d28.7921101!4d-81.3315296

  10. pbunyan, Thank you again.

    Much better link. Looks like it backs up my suspicion that it’s BS when I read what it had to say.

    It says it’s over a mile away.

    That’s one of my points.

    That’s no 10 minute walk.

  11. pbunyan, Thanks again lol

    That makes some sense. I couldn’t see a store from the street view.

    Still not a short walk, but I could see a teen making it when no other transportation was available. Not so unreasonable.

  12. You’re welcome. As I said if you really want to become intimately familiar will everything, and I mean everything, that was going on with the persecution of George Zimmerman, that is the site to read. Go back to February 2012 and read on from there. It’s amazing how quickly they got all the facts right and show the true, whole story of what happened.

  13. Interesting. Previous comment didn’t show up. It was:

    In order for met to enjoy this play, refreshments would have to consist of a pint of vodka and a quart of OJ delivered 45 minutes before the curtain goes up.

  14. Interesting. Previous comment posted with Chrome didn’t show up; this is IE. It was:

    In order for met to enjoy this play, refreshments would have to consist of a pint of vodka and a quart of OJ delivered 45 minutes before the curtain goes up.

  15. HANDS UP…Don’t shoot.
    HANDS UP…Don’t shoot.
    All good children need to loot.
    Your white cop answers are just MOOT
    HANDS UP…Don’t shoot.
    HANDS UP…Don’t shoot.

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