Anis Shivani ticks pretty much every box of the SJW ontology of identify, yet refuses to give up his Enlightenment heritage, deploying, reason, argument and merit based analysis to demonstrate that the left has already lost.
Responding to what he perceives as the ‘rise of white nationalism’, Salon writer Anis Shivani has penned a remarkable essay, exploring the fundamental dimensions of identity politics and ‘separatism, or the privileging of biological destiny’. ‘Liberals,’ Shivani writes, ‘have been on a relentless mission to transform people’s souls — to rid them of impure ideas about race and sexuality — for exactly the period of time that neoliberalism has deprived them of actual power to do anything about class inequality’.
The hyperfocus on biology and sexuality has given rise to an ideology that has crippled the left and turned them towards the totalitarian consequences that necessarily arise whenever the state (or its actors) tries to tell people how they must think and feel, rather than how they are required to conduct themselves in public. Calling identity politics ‘pernicious’ and related terms like intersectionality ‘terms of art’, Shivani goes on the detail five ways in which the central philosophy and ethos of the left is failing to quell the cultural dominance of the ‘alt-right’. He is particularly concerned that the younger generation of left-leaning thinkers are incapable of thinking beyond the boundaries of a narrowly defined ideology, which represents danger to the continued existence of the left as a whole. read more
If I am white, and I care about the USA before other countries,
Dammit, I guess I’m a racist.
Internal polls must be in the tank for them to admit that they aren’t going anywhere with this bs.
Now I have the answer to: “Who writes this crap, anyway?!”
Lefty rag right?
Identity Politics you say. Watch this stupid bitch liberal woman professor insult the crap out of a young black Trump supporter. Watch how physically aggressive she gets. When did people like this start thinking they were this tough?
I guess this – along with the Dem politicos’ public criticism of AntiFa – is the Left’s attempt at telling the rest of Americans:
“Gee, we’re sorry about all those little things we did over the past 50 years; you can trust us now.”
Umm…No. HAIL NO.
“When did people like this start thinking they were this tough?” – Bad Brad
Like that Bergdorf tranny saying “all whites are racist,” I ask when did people start thinking cr*p like this was perfectly acceptable to say/do in public (moreso, without consequences)?
Shivani’s analysis (filtered through Milo) is entertaining and contains a fair amount of truth. But I do wish he hadn’t confused Newton’s third law of motion with the third law of thermodynamics. They are really quite different, and not knowing that difference calls into question the rest of his exposition.
Stupid bitch liberal
Now that is funny and correct
@Unca Al — ‘Zactly.
You only need to read part of this LOOOOOOONG article to realize that this is one “old school” liberal whose reason is not totally destroyed. Yes, it’s an anomaly and he may belong in a zoo, but he’s still going to be looking for another angle to force his totalitarian socialist belief system on the rest of us so I still consider him an ASSHOLE.
The culture war has outgrown it’s petrie dish!
Conservative Americans are anchored by the principles of the Constitution. Progressives, liberals, etc. have no such tenet and blow with the winds of Marxism, Communism and other “isms”. Often the coming storm blows them off course making them irrelevant and lost at sea. In a nutshell, this is what the author is saying.
Additional commentary on this article:
This guy is a day late and a dollar short. Every conservative I’ve ever met has known this for years. Identity politics is just a fancy word for tyranny.