San Francisco rioters go on anti-statue rampage, tear down U.S. Grant, Cervantes, Catholic saint – IOTW Report

San Francisco rioters go on anti-statue rampage, tear down U.S. Grant, Cervantes, Catholic saint

Just the News: Rioters and activists in San Francisco went on a multi-statue rampage last night, defacing and ripping down numerous monuments around the city as part of an anti-statue fever currently sweeping the country. 

Depictions of Union general and former President Ulysses S. Grant, the Catholic saint Junipero Serra, the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, and “Star Spangled Banner” author Francis Scott Key were all vandalized or torn down yesterday. 

The statue of Serra — known as the Apostle of California for his 18th-century missionary work in what was then the Viceroyalty of New Spain — depicted the priest holding a cross and with an outstretched arm. Protesters were seen stomping on it and kicking it after it toppled; they later vandalized it further with paint. read more

10 Comments on San Francisco rioters go on anti-statue rampage, tear down U.S. Grant, Cervantes, Catholic saint

  1. It’s not about the statues. They won’t be satisfied until they tear down the entire country. This last couple of months has just been the start of the revolution. Electing Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is necessary for them to really get started. Then they will be able to legally finish the job.

  2. If these morons had any sense of history at all, they’d be worshiping Ulysses S. Grant, and burning down anything with Woodrow Wilson’s name on it.

  3. Curious what the left would say if this story was re-written with Christians going on a rampage tearing down the same statues idols?

    And yeah, Marco, this is the NWO takeover in progress. We haven’t voted for it on our own, so here it comes anyway.

    That’s why the political class Dems are supportive of it.

  4. Same things izlam does.
    Same things communism did.
    Has that occurred to anybody, yet?
    Didn’t Orwell warn us about this?

    We laughed at Stalin’s notion of “un-Person” didn’t we (“we” being the non-communist cognoscenti)? The “Press” assured us that the millions upon millions of Ukraines and Chinese dead from starvation and murder weren’t.

    “The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to die.” (Brecht)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Muslims seem to like to tear down all historical statues and places as well, it’s easier to change the future the to the way you want it when there are no reminders of the past to stand in the way.

  6. Meanwhile Bela Pelosi enjoys her ice-cream while presiding over an absolute run-down, shot-up, burned-out, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, rat-infested, urine-soaked, feces-friendly Shit-Hole! Hopefully there is a special place in Hell for that Cunt!


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