Sarah Sanders on Michelle Wolf’s jokes: I wish her ‘happiness’ – IOTW Report

Sarah Sanders on Michelle Wolf’s jokes: I wish her ‘happiness’

FOX: Press secretary Sarah Sanders responded to comedian Michelle Wolf’s personal attacks at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last week.

Sanders addresses Wolf’s remarks on Fox & Friends Thursday morning saying the obnoxious jokes say “a whole lot more about her than it does about me.”

“I hope that she can find some of the same happiness that we all have, because I think she may need a little bit more of that in her life because the rest of us here are doing great,” Sanders said, adding that she’s focusing on her job and not the comedian’s remarks.

Sanders continued, “The people that were my friends before that evening are my friends today.”  read more

20 Comments on Sarah Sanders on Michelle Wolf’s jokes: I wish her ‘happiness’

  1. Wolf will fade back to relative obscurity and Sanders will remain President Trump’s Press Secretary.

    Wolf’s 15 minutes of vulgar and offensive comments and short lived fame are over.
    That’s who she is.

  2. I must admit. When they first announced her as WHPS I saw she was Huckabeast’s daughter and I did some serious eye-rolling. But you know what? She quickly became my favorite Trump admin person. She’s a Tough broad and a classy woman. Brava!

  3. She is a class act

    Mark Levin was so sweet in his comments regarding this incident that I was almost ready to take back what I said regarding my usually looking forward to listening to him, but wouldn’t want to spend an evening with him. He impresses me as having the potential to be an insufferable dinner guest.

  4. My only disappointment was the The President didn’t do much to support her through his usual tweets. He bashed the WHCD but he should have said how proud of her he was.

  5. Sarah is an example of grace; I am not.

    I hope this Wolf bitch loses her balance while taking a selfie at the Grand Canyon, falls, breaks every bone in her body but remains fully conscious. Then she can be eaten alive by whatever happens to crawl out from its den to see what all the moaning is about. This creature will preferably be some small carnivore with razor sharp teeth that can feast on her for several days.

    There — I think that covers it.

  6. You see Wolfe had no choice in the matter.
    If she did anything other than toe the hollywierd
    P.C. commie progressive left wing libtard
    position she would be out of work…

  7. Liberal stand-up (or sit-down) comedians will never find happiness. Remember Lenny Bruce? Compare to Jay Leno, roughly conservative and a happy guy with his collection of cars & motorcycles.

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