Saturday: Antifa/BLM Rioters Threw Bricks, Mortars, M-80s at Police as Portland Descended Into a War Zone – IOTW Report

Saturday: Antifa/BLM Rioters Threw Bricks, Mortars, M-80s at Police as Portland Descended Into a War Zone

PJMedia: Americans across the country set off fireworks to celebrate the Fourth of July on Saturday night, but in Portland, Ore., antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters weaponized fireworks, aiming incendiary devices at the courthouse and the Justice Center and causing extensive damage throughout the area.

Portland Police reported that instigators began shooting off commercial-grade fireworks, aiming them at the Justice Center and the federal courthouse around 10:30 p.m. “Several of the demonstrators were observed carrying shields. The sound truck admonished the crowd warning them to discontinue firing fireworks and incendiary devices at the two buildings. The crowd members were warned if they continued the criminal acts, they would be subject to use of force or arrest. Despite several admonishments, many of the demonstrators continued their illegal acts.” more

11 Comments on Saturday: Antifa/BLM Rioters Threw Bricks, Mortars, M-80s at Police as Portland Descended Into a War Zone

  1. Hmmm. Do I see a link between all this violence and an extremely well educated mayor who is a dweeby, limp wristed, light in the loafers, gay impersonating democrat loser with zero leadership qualities? Tell me he’s not another democrat who won in a mail-in-ballot election.

  2. I look at Andy NGO’s twitter feed every night to see what the crazies are doing. Burning the Elk statue next the American Pioneer family statue. I just don’t understand how they are allowed to riot and destroy. For eff sake arrest them…! Alas, guess that’s not how we roll in the PNW anymore.

  3. I can’t say it loudly enough: STAY THE FUCK OUT OF PORTLAND. Anything you want or need, you can get elsewhere, probably cheaper, and a helluva lot safer.


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