Look At the Filth That Societal’s Filth Left Behind In Wokeistan – IOTW Report

Look At the Filth That Societal’s Filth Left Behind In Wokeistan

CHOP in Seattle. The left’s Utopia.

ht/ c . steven tucker

25 Comments on Look At the Filth That Societal’s Filth Left Behind In Wokeistan

  1. “That which is common to the many has the least care bestowed upon it.”
    As true 2400 years ago as it is today. Socialism/Communism has never worked and never will.

  2. ……….in the not to distant future, these ´autonomous zones´ will be held up as examples of functioning socialist utopias, destroyed by the cruel, racist, conservative American Gvnt

  3. Kinda like the devastation left after the Keystone Pipeline protesters vacated the Reservation. Declare the city a Superfund site and go in with the flamethrowers.

  4. What happens when parents dont make their kids pick up after themselves

    We should hunt down all the proggtard parents of these brats, take them to Seattle and make them clean up after their kids … one more time


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