Saturday Morning Golf With Trump and Biden – IOTW Report

Saturday Morning Golf With Trump and Biden

12 Comments on Saturday Morning Golf With Trump and Biden

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  2. Great take-away there Joseph!
    Now wipe yer mouth off!
    There’s still Bullshit around yer lips!

    Trump is a great all around man of the people, business man and politician.
    Some people just can’t stand success!

  3. TRF nailed it.
    Trump delivers a booming economy, liberals hiss.
    Biden crashes the economy; liberals look the other way.
    Trump gives his annual presidential salary to charity,
    Biden accepts a $10,000,000 bribe from China.
    Trump makes America energy independent,
    Biden sells our national emergency oil reserves to China.
    Trump is WIN/WIN for America,
    Biden is an EPIC FAIL for America.

  4. @Joseph

    Exactly how are people like TRF trying to destroy America? Please give it up so we can understand where we went wrong?

    Is it because most of us on this site don’t like globullists, perverts and pederasts, among others? C’mon now, tell us where we’re wrong so we can right the ship.


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