“Saying All Muslims Are Terrorists Is Like Saying All Italians Are in the Mafia…” – IOTW Report

“Saying All Muslims Are Terrorists Is Like Saying All Italians Are in the Mafia…”

We’ve heard dimwitted libtards use this analogy. Her answer?

Islam is an organization, not an ethnic group. Italians can be anything that they want to be.

Muslims are Muslims. They’ve joined the club. So the correct analogy is “Saying all Muslims are terrorists is like saying all Mafioso are in the Mafia. And they are.”

She’ll go on to explain jihad, what it means, and why all Muslims are terrorists. It’s because Islam is terrifying.

ht/ kpark

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17 Comments on “Saying All Muslims Are Terrorists Is Like Saying All Italians Are in the Mafia…”

  1. A brave woman that tells it like it is. She did a good job of keeping her train of thought even while understandably growing angry while she was trying to set a bunch of dunderheads straight about the puke pile that is islam.

    And that was a very fitting correction to the analogy you made BFH. It is discouraging (or maybe encouraging) how shallow minded leftists “think” these days while believing themselves to be so clever when making such an off the mark analogy.

  2. I’m waiting for a complete revolt. An absolute fucking revolution against government. Western governments are fucking weaklings.
    They just don’t seem to get it. Islam wants to destroy us.. Plain and fucking simple.

  3. My brother in law was working for a big man in a particular mafia organization that I won’t name, but I didn’t find out they were mafia until after he had me look at a few limosines they were having trouble with.
    I fixed a bright switch and the window wiring between the driver and passenger compartment, about 10 minutes of work. Then he took me to get paid.

    The house was surrounded by chain link and razor wire, two armed guards by the pool.
    I still didn’t know who the guys were but I could tell my brother in law was hiding something.

    Anyway, I meet the “general” and he gives me a hundred dollar bill and tells me to light a candle and say a prayer on the way out. They had a big Catholic shrine with paintings and hundreds of lit candles. I lit a candle but I don’t pray to paintings, I got out of there as fast as I could, walking.

    Later they want me to open a shop and work on their vehicles, I told them no way. The pay they offered me was insane. Had to be a catch.

    But still, those people loved life, unlike moslems who love death.

    Oh yeah, and the guy bought one of everything from a Tupperware catalog that my wife was selling from. We had to make three or four trips to deliver all of it!

  4. Best thing I’ve seen in a while.
    She did a brilliant summary of the history of Moe-ham-head and his evil doings.
    If she got together with Ann Barnhardt, they could really kick ass.

  5. The Koran leaves no wiggle room where compliance with doctrine is concerned. That’s why the only RADICAL Muslims are those who don’t wish to murder, conquer, convert and destroy. The ones we like to view as radicals are only following the strictures of their 7th Century insane, criminal,epileptic “prophet”.

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