Scandalous Bill Clinton Gets His Own Series – IOTW Report

Scandalous Bill Clinton Gets His Own Series

Fox News is airing a seven part series, “Scandalous,” on the life and crimes of President Bill Clinton.
In episode 1, which aired last week, we were shown the Arkansas years and the early days of the 42nd President, including whitewater scandal, travel-gate and Vince Foster’s untimely death.

Tonight, the show begins with the Paula Jones sexual harassment case,  ending with the government shut down and Monica Lewinsky bringing pizza to the president in his office.

They are rerunning episode 1 before tonight’s new episode.  More



17 Comments on Scandalous Bill Clinton Gets His Own Series

  1. Bubba is snorting too much Coke he has to be completely Nuts to open up his can of Worms like Mueller just did to himself kept digging found nothing on Trump but wound up uncovering the Treasonous & Criminal Acts him and his Comrades are Guilty of & that he was put there to keep covered up.!!

  2. The reason for this is to help prepare the public for her take down and arrest of both. Obama as well. i agree with another posting, We have been in a civil war since Bush’s election. Now we are fighting back.

  3. I don’t get Fox News uphere unless I buy a cable pack with a number of channels I don’t watch. Is it a truthful show? Is Fox whitewashing some of the Clintons history? Did they didcuss Hillary’s windfall profit in cattle futures she didn’t know she was invested in?

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