Schiff Gets Shifty When Questioned About Blocking Witness Testimony In Russia Probe – IOTW Report

Schiff Gets Shifty When Questioned About Blocking Witness Testimony In Russia Probe


WASHINGTON — House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff refused to give a reason why he reportedly blocked witnesses related to his committee’s Russia probe from testifying.

When first asked by The Daily Caller Tuesday about blocking witnesses scheduled to testify, Schiff only responded, “I don’t agree with the premise of your question.”

TheDC asked Schiff again on Wednesday and mentioned Carter Page as an example of a witness who was scheduled to testify but was blocked by Schiff from doing so.

Page is not the only witness who has been blocked. According to Politico, Trump confidant Roger Stone, and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort have also reportedly been stalled by Democrats in the committee.

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8 Comments on Schiff Gets Shifty When Questioned About Blocking Witness Testimony In Russia Probe

  1. Schiff: rephrase the question.
    DC: you have proof Trump collided w the Russians don’t you?
    Schiff: that’s better. Yes, yes I do, but I can’t talk about it.

  2. Isn’t it funny Podesta testified, but only if it was done in secret.
    Carter Page has volunteered to testify publicly.
    He told CNN he’d prefer the hearing being public
    Made the same offer to the Senate Intelligence Committee “My preference is that it be public”.

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