School assignment asks students to write about why they’re converting to Islam, how to tell their parents – IOTW Report

School assignment asks students to write about why they’re converting to Islam, how to tell their parents

The Rebel: A homework assignment given to students on the island of Guernsey asks them to write a letter to their parents explaining why they’re converting to Islam.

islam burqua

The assignment was created Religious Education teacher Miss Amber Stables at the Les Beaucamp High School.
Directions for the assignment were posted online.

“Complete the letter you started or started planning in class to your family on how you are converting to Islam.

Include: How you’re feeling, how becoming a Muslim has changed your life, how much you love your family and hope they can accept your choice.  more here

16 Comments on School assignment asks students to write about why they’re converting to Islam, how to tell their parents

  1. If my children were attending this school, I’d go nuclear.

    If I heard of something like this in my small town’s high school, I would do the same. And believe me I pay attention to my part of the w Texas.

    This moslim shit has got to stop-tell the truth about Islam.

  2. Next assignment – write a letter to your parents explaining why you are becoming a mass murderer, pedophile and rapist. Allahu Fubar.

    ***MJA*** can you use a vintage Singer hemstitcher and picoting attachment. #121387. Fits a low shank and designed for the Feather Weight originally?

  3. Dear parents,
    I’m converting to islam because I want to rape, steal, and murder at will with absolutely no consequences! If you don’t like it I BEHEAD YOU!!! ALLOWALLA SNACKBAR!!!!! ALLOWALLA SNACKBAR!!!!!
    Your son,
    Musthava Dil-do Upyr Pooper
    (Formerly “Scooter”)

  4. I’m converting to Islam because it is a Faith and culture that still has a fanatical belief in itself; as opposed to the cynical, cringing, suicidal culture that is making me do this grotesque exercise in self-abasement

  5. The Guernsey Islanders have refused to take n Syrian refugees and are being accused of being “islamaphobic” in the press.
    Meanwhile the British government has forced Syrian refugees on the tiny Isle of Bute in Scotland and the Scots are being told “not to talk about it.” (Daily Mail U.K.)

  6. I like what “ironyCurtain” said!! ‘Fun Bastardization of the muzzy call to arms….”ALLOWALLA SNACKBAR!!!!” that’s neat….!!!
    God, Gunz and Gutz Keep America Free!!!!!,

  7. From a vigilante group of like minded parents. Raise holy hell on the teacher (who did it), and the school principal and administration (that knew about and allowed it).
    Broken windows. Flat tires. Dead lawn. Garbage in yard.
    Enough repeated and annoying property damage so that they get the message and either stop, or move.

  8. You know, if I was an anti-islamic teacher in a place where free speech didn’t exist, and islam was unassailable, I would send home an assignment just like that, because (1) Some sleeping dhimmis need to WAKE THE FUCK UP, and (2) because the assignment would be perfectly acceptable to the government, which would not fire me and would in fact defend me, leaving me free to subvert with more Modest Proposals.

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