School Declares Wonder Woman Lunchbox Too Violent – IOTW Report

School Declares Wonder Woman Lunchbox Too Violent

They also ruled that Liberace was too butch.

HT/ Twitter: @JasonChisel

17 Comments on School Declares Wonder Woman Lunchbox Too Violent

  1. English Composition 101
    Professor Yonkers


    A 1,000 – word essay analyzing the inherent hypocrisy in first hailing Wonder Woman as a symbol of “empowerment” for girls and women, and then deciding that she is “too violent” to be pictured on a lunchbox. Students are allowed to free themselves of the tyranny of libtard conflict by taking one side or the other, but they MUST present their argument in a cogent narrative.

    BTW, it’s Freshperson Week at Sarah Lawrence. That means my neighborhood has been taken over by marauding bands of 18-year-old, gender-confused libtard trust-fund asswipes. Think I’ll fax my assignment over to the English department to give the little darlings something to do.

  2. Wonder Woman’s creator was William Moulton Marston, a Harvard-educated psychologist

    Frankly, Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world. Marston believed that submission to “loving authority” was the key to overcoming mankind’s violent urges, and that strong, self-realized women were the hope for a better future.

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