Scientific American Chooses Sides – IOTW Report

Scientific American Chooses Sides

The Independent

A top science magazine has waded into the political sphere after making a presidential endorsement, only the second in its 179-year history.

“Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environment,” read the headline in Scientific American on Monday, announcing the publication’s official support for the Democratic presidential candidate.

Harris is Scientific American’s second presidential endorsement in its history, after the magazine backed President Joe Biden during the 2020 election. More

27 Comments on Scientific American Chooses Sides

  1. A few years ago, I was sitting in a doctors office waiting room. To pass the time, I picked up a copy of Scientific America. I could tell even back then that they were not the magazine they used to be.

  2. Unscientific Anti-American, GFY.

    The current owners/publishers really, really, REALLY piss me off. When I was a boy, my father and I used to pore over the new SA when it arrived every month. After I left home and was on my own, I got my own subscription and enjoyed it for years. And then it was bought by assholes who fucked it up beyond recognition. ESD.

  3. Scientific American like National Geographic are not what they used to be when I was growing up. I used to have a subscription to Nat Geo for many years and really haven’t paid any attention it for 20 years or more. Scientific American used to be about real science, not anymore. I also subscribed to Natl. Review and Christianity Today and they too both have gone over the deep end as well. Popular Science and Popular Mechanics which my dad subscribed to are not the same anymore either. The only magazines that are still relevant today are Outdoor Life and Field and Stream which my dad had lifetime subscriptions to, and I always read when I was visiting him and my mom.

  4. SA is not the only venue for science articles. There is a website called Evolution News, for example. It’s not pro-evolution, but it’s news with links to publications and articles which pour cold water on evolutionism. When milk turns sour, you buy a fresh carton.

    To have SA choose sides in a presidential election is as low as a dead cockroach in a sewer.

  5. 1928–2001, The Amateur Scientist was a column that had significant scientific facts that the layman (non-decreed but not stupid) individual could explore. Then they decided an idiot with nothing less than a preppy masters degree could change the direction of science to the perverted goal of activision. It is really sad that these morons have decided the Kamala idiocy is now the accepted direction for our formerly great country. FJB, FKM. I dumped my subscription back in 1978 when I figured out theses morons are communist apologetics.

  6. “A top science magazine” BWA HA HA HA HA HA

    That opinion must’ve come from the same piehole that claimed Mr Mooch is the “most glamorous FLOTUS evah!”

    Idiocracy is exactly to point. Look around, most of the youts sports metal ‘bones in their nose’ and look at you and expect to be taken seriously.


  7. If we make it through all this — this epoch of mass insanity — how will historians even begin to capture the zeitgeist of it?! Will it take 100 years of reflection and distance to come to terms with all of it? I’m beginning to personally understand the shame post-war Germans deservedly experienced.

  8. “AbigailAdams
    Thursday, 19 September 2024, 5:12 at 5:12 am
    “If we make it through all this — this epoch of mass insanity — how will historians even begin to capture the zeitgeist of it?! Will it take 100 years of reflection and distance to come to terms with all of it?”

    “When they turn the pages of history
    When these days have passed long ago
    Will they read of us with sadness
    For the seeds that we let grow?
    We turned our gaze from the castles in the distance
    Eyes cast down on the path of least resistance

    Cities full of hatred, fear and lies
    Withered hearts and cruel tormented eyes
    Scheming demons dressed in kingly guise
    Beating down the multitude and scoffing at the wise

    The hypocrites are slandering the sacred halls of truth
    Ancient nobles showering their bitterness on youth
    Can’t we find the minds that made us strong?
    Oh, can’t we learn to feel what’s right and what’s wrong?”
    -Rush, “A Farewell To Kings”

  9. When we scorn “the media”, we’re not speaking only about the news media. And when we cast derision on “journos”, we’re not just talking about the clowns who purport to impart political wisdom and news of the day.

    The midwits who write for these specialty magazines have no special knowledge in the fields they cover. They are not experts on anything. They are mediocre writers, trained in simplistic writing techniques and styles in J-schools and “Language Arts” programs.

    Their only special skill—if you can call it that—is to take complex subjects and render them down to a sixth-grade level, so as not to bore their readers, who fancy themselves to be intellectuals.

    The only other qualification of these special journos is being persuasive in adding whatever leftist political spin that their editors—who are only slightly smarter—deem necessary, no matter how ridiculous or illogical it is.

    As the miseducation, maleducation and diseducation in our schools gets worse at every level of our burgeoning idiocracy, all of these rags will become unreadable. Literally unreadable, because most of our population won’t be able to read english, and most of our fine, young journos won’t be able to write it.

    / rant off

  10. How can an organization that supposedly encourages science take political sides? I understand that throughout history politicians and other leaders have attempted to politicize science, but science is a discipline that used to follow accepted scientific guidelines and methods. These guidelines took the scientists to wherever they led – regardless of politics.

    Not so much anymore since science is reliant on the federal government for its patronage. Instead of a scientific method leading to wherever it led, much science seems to be driven by confirmation bias; my patron (i.e. the government) wants this result, so my experiments will find this result.

    I can understand a scientific organization taking a politican stance in extreme situations – for example, candidate X wants to completely eliminate scientific inquiry while candidate Y wants scientific inquiry to continue. But Trump isn’t doing this – during the coronovirus fiasco he relied heavily on scientists, while the Democrats tried, in one example, to deflect that the pandemic originated in China and later, under the Biden administration, continued to push for supposed preventative measures that had no scientific basis.

    The current Democrats are not the party of science; they are the party of catering to various cranks and loons who support their party.

  11. …thats a lot of tightly wrapped bull right there. Lets unpack a bit and see what grows…

    “They acknowledged that Trump, “also has a record – a disastrous one,” during his time in the White House.”

    …so they say on this MSN site, but give no examples. The Coof poision masquerading as a “vaccine” would be an obvious target, but they DONT go after it. Wonder why?

    “Praising the Biden-Harris administration for bolstering the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – which expanded the number of adults eligible for health insurance – the editors noted that while Harris has said she would expand the program, Trump has pledged to repeal it”
    …Health care isnt in the Constitution, so none of the Federal governments business. That said, Obamacare has damaged medicine so profoundly that it scarcely helps to have an Obamacare plan. As I saw years ago about Cuba’s “free” medicine, a Cuban said “The health care is free…and worth it. I can go to the doctor, but he can do nothing for me”.

    “The article highlights Trump’s baseless claim during the debate that some states allow a person to obtain an abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy, and calling it “execution after birth.”

    “No state allows this,” Scientific American clarified.”

    …President Trump specifically stated that he was referring to the public musings of then-VA governor Northam on a viable infant outside the womb that survived an abortion, to wit: “The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
    Given that the only “Physician” in the room at such times would be the baby butcher who couldnt even get infanticide right the first time, Im pretty sure that “conversation” ends with a postpartum abortion if Democrats had their way, just as President Trump says. And dont forget RN Jill Stanek’s testimony about leaving babiez to die in Barry Soetoeo’s IL…

    “Under the devious and divisive Project 2025 framework, technology safeguards on AI would be overturned,” the editors wrote. “AI influences our criminal justice, labor and health-care systems.” they said, conveniently omitting the fact that President Trump has REPEATEDLY stated, including during the debate, that “Project 2025” is not his, is not known to him, and has no bearing whatsoever on anything hes ever done or plans to do, despite the Democrats constantly lying to conflate the two.

    …I could go on, but looks like “Scientific American” wasnt very scientific in their fact checking. Given the current state of “Soience” saying pediatric genital mutilation, poisionous vaxxxines, and that everyone died of Climate Change in 2023, I do have to say they fit right in…

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