Scientific Reports Publishes Picture Of Feces With the President’s Face On It – IOTW Report

Scientific Reports Publishes Picture Of Feces With the President’s Face On It

College Fix-

Scientific Reports, details “an inexpensive capture method for enriching host DNA from noninvasive fecal samples.” The study is authored by Kenneth Chiou and Christina Bergey, currently scholars at the University of Washington and Penn State, respectively.

In one set of illustrations in the article, a monkey is shown sitting next to a pile of feces. Zoomed-in detail of that graphic shows that President Donald Trump’s face has been stenciled onto the monkey poop.


ht/ fdr in hell

19 Comments on Scientific Reports Publishes Picture Of Feces With the President’s Face On It

  1. know why turds are tapered, don’cha? … so your asshole won’t slam shut! … yuck, yuck, yuck

    Seriously, at least the Anti-American tards are seeing images of Trump in everything, instead of Jesus …. Trump lives in their heads rent-free

  2. The post-doc researcher, Kenneth Chiou is doing his “research” out of the Snyder-Mackler lab at the University of Washington and, from what I can gather, is a psych student in search of reasons to blame men for their social aggression using primates as study subjects and correlating certain protein expressions in primates to human males. IOW: he’s going to make the theoretical leap across the great divide and will probably make it to the science/tech pages of the NYT’s. Social “science”, that is. Garbage.

    The fun part: Snyder-Meckler lab @ UW:
    Department of Psychology
    University of Washington
    313 Guthrie Hall
    Seattle, WA 98195-1525
    phone: (206)-685-1524

    President of UW:

    google her for a bio. Then smack your forehead on your keyboard.

  3. Is it just me or does the tapered end of that turd look exactly like Hillary’s upturned nose? But at this point, what difference does it make?

    Because you lost badly, Hillary. Embarrassingly.
    Go away you monstrous hunchback freak. You were never going to be president. You’re Arkansas trailer trash.

  4. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ DECEMBER 17, 2018 AT 8:07 PM
    know why turds are tapered, don’cha? … so your asshole won’t slam shut! … yuck, yuck, yuck

    More importantly why is pubic hair curly? …

    So you don’t poke your eyes out!

  5. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ DECEMBER 17, 2018 AT 9:15 PM
    @Anymouse ~ lol …. there’s a ‘you’ll shot yer eye out’ joke in there somewhere … but I ain’t touching it

    … here’s looking at you, kid! 😉

    Sadly, I believe it’s been said many times by me that although I can no longer cut the mustard, I can still lick the jar!

    It’s a bitch getting old…

  6. People that study feces for a career aren’t likely to produce humor that strays far from their favorite subject matter.
    Although not specifically identified, one of the two appears to be sporting a tattoo of Trump.


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