Seattle Healthcare Worker Indicted for Stealing and Selling Ventilators, COVID Supplies on eBay – IOTW Report

Seattle Healthcare Worker Indicted for Stealing and Selling Ventilators, COVID Supplies on eBay

CTH: Considering the fast-moving news cycles, this DOJ indictment has many elements of seemingly disconnected narratives.  Apparently healthcare workers were not just proficient parading around in their insufferable Tik-Tok videos. MORE

15 Comments on Seattle Healthcare Worker Indicted for Stealing and Selling Ventilators, COVID Supplies on eBay

  1. That’s despicable. Jennifer, an RRT, bags patients for so many hours her hands don’t work for three days.

    This VA scumbag, who makes much more than the market, steals equipment? Most likely to the detriment of his patients.

    There’s a special place in hell.

  2. You may be surprised, Answerman Cooper. Many of these rural hospitals run on antiquated gear. It only takes one small hospital with a Peak Load cat with one P-card to buy one eBay vent.

  3. They become desperate. P-carding gray market becomes an option. Maybe the gear people can fix it. They already know it’s hosed. Probably, anyway. But maybe the gear cats can do it.


  4. Erik
    JUNE 20, 2020 AT 11:41 PM
    “That’s despicable. Jennifer, an RRT, bags patients for so many hours her hands don’t work for three days.”

    …Bagging does suck, but it beats having people throw up in your mouth…

  5. A couple of weeks ago I advertised in my neighborhood for a worker bee to help me clear blackberry vines in my backyard. A very nice young(er) woman answered my ad.

    While working over the course of the next few days, I got to know her and learned that she had attended a training session to serve on the “Washington (state) Listens” Covid 19 help line, a program funded by federal Covid 19 emergency funding money, part of the $2.1T legislated by congress.

    When the help line went live to the public, she said that she and forty others who were hired and trained to take calls spent the entire day waiting for calls that never came. Apparently governor Jay Inslee was supposed to have made an announcement to kick off the availability of this resource and he (nor anyone else in state gov’t) did.

    As of yesterday, about two weeks on, she said that the only place that this help line support was announced was in the “Spokane Register”. I just looked it up and it seems the focus of the Register’s announcement was the Colville Indian reservation. But this help line is supposed to serve anyone from the state who wants to talk with someone about any kind of issues they are having as a result of Covid 19.

    I don’t know how much money the state got from the feds to set this up, but in Seattle alone they have “trained” at least 40 people and are paying them each $15.00/hour, 8 hours a day, and at least five days per week to be available to take calls for a help line that almost no one knows exists or why it exists. My helper friend said that as of yesterday neither Jay Inslee nor anyone else has announced the availability of this help line. Sounds like a solid case of gov’t fraud, waste, and abuse of federal tax dollars to me.

    You can be sure that the state contracted this out to someone who has several “executives” who are pulling down the lion’s share of this grant money in the form overblown salaries. I haven’t figured out yet who is running this particular pig trough.

    I did some digging on how to report suspected cases of FWA of gov’t funds. I don’t want to call the Washington state people because I don’t trust any of them. There is a federal (GAO) office set up for Covid 19 emergency funds oversight. Don’t know if they should be trusted, either, but here’s the link in case anyone else here is aware of stuff in their states or cities:

    The reporting link is toward the bottom of the page. If you want to call them directly to report suspected cases of FWA, there is a direct phone number on the linked reporting page.

  6. …forgot to add: Two weeks on for this so-called “Washington Listens” help line and I’m told by my very reliable source that she knows of only a couple of calls have been made to this federally-funded, tax-paid “help” line. Despite being available the entire time, neither she nor anyone else she works with has taken a single call.

  7. VA doesn’t do inventory?

    Oh … yeah … gov’t … sorry …

    The agency I worked for, at one time, was “losing” $50,000 a MONTH! A FUCKING MONTH!
    Just disappeared! Poof!

    izlamo delenda est …


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