Secret Service Officer that Kicked Out Lewinsky Responds to New Documentary – IOTW Report

Secret Service Officer that Kicked Out Lewinsky Responds to New Documentary

Monica was a manipulator.

I was there. I literally had Monica removed from the Oval Office because I knew she was bad news, not just for everyone but to herself. We warned her! Yet she pushed through anyway, right into the arms of predator.

16 Comments on Secret Service Officer that Kicked Out Lewinsky Responds to New Documentary

  1. I noticed he even recognized and pointed out that getting on the wrong side of the Clintons could mean your death. That should be valuable information for the little imbecile from the Bronx who wants to shake up the democrat power structure.

  2. Anything goes with the Clintons so long as they blame vast right wing and/or disappear anyone who gets in the way! The filthiest bunch of crooks, criminals and scumbags on the planet! Aside from having the personality of a baked bean sandwich, Hiller E. Coyote’s dishonesty is only exceeded by her unbridled greed and lust for money, control & power. The old bitch left any scruples, morals and honesty she may have once possessed on a dirty plant stand next to a busted lava lamp, an ashtray full of roaches and her thesis on Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx.

  3. And the left will cry foul. The female is NEVER the problem. This guy is right, her behavior led her to the path. I’m sick of females that manipulate idiots and don’t like the consequences.

  4. Opportunistic whore, meet president Opportunistic whore.
    While media continues its decades-long spin on the issue, don’t forget the impeachment was about the first negro president LYING TO CONGRESS, not his alternative uses for cigars.


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