Sex Assault Case Against Cosby to Proceed – IOTW Report

Sex Assault Case Against Cosby to Proceed

hillary cosby schumer chelsea

NBC10: A judge refused to throw out the sexual-assault case against Bill Cosby on Wednesday, sweeping aside a former district attorney’s claim that he granted the comedian immunity from prosecution a decade ago.

Common Pleas Judge Steven O’Neill issued the ruling after a hard-fought two-day hearing, saying witness credibility was a factor. He did not elaborate.

In another setback for the defense, the judge also denied a request to disqualify newly elected District Attorney Kevin Steele from the case. Cosby’s lawyers had accused Steele of making a “political football” out of Cosby during the campaign.


15 Comments on Sex Assault Case Against Cosby to Proceed

  1. I think who he pissed off was all the leftists when he talked about how most of the problems in the black communities were due to the destruction of the black family and how so many blacks are growing up without fathers in their lives.

  2. He’s getting a lot more coverage than the piracy in the Persian Gulf where our Navy was humiliated at the behest of our own State Department. Only Col. West and Amb. John Bolton are mentioning this disgraceful act.

    What a crock of shit!

  3. I’ll say it again: The Cosby shit is only giving asshole LoFo Americans something to worry about while Benghazi and the Persian Gulf piracy goes unnoticed. Are we assholes, or what?
    Hillary will not go to jail. Scooter Libby did. Fast and Furious never happened. Neither did the IRS stuff, neither did 09/11/001., neither did the Holocaust . Live with it!

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