Sketchy: Judge’s Connections to E Jean Carroll’s Attorney  – IOTW Report

Sketchy: Judge’s Connections to E Jean Carroll’s Attorney 

Former President Donald Trump’s defense team is considering the possibility of requesting a new trial.

9 Comments on Sketchy: Judge’s Connections to E Jean Carroll’s Attorney 

  1. The only ting bogus is her trial inexperience, TRUMP, has no legal appeal! She, Alina objected to no evidence claims! Only objected to a false judge/attorney past acquaintance. The only thing Trump has now is to claim misrepresentation by Alina.
    He is toasted, burnt orange crispy critters. Thank you Mr Trump, we all had faith in your bad choices of legal matters

  2. When the judge and plaintiff’s attorney are besties and Democrat pawns and judgey doesn’t allow any evidence from the defense, it’s a deep state operation. They don’t care any more who knows it.

  3. Our “justice” system is broken beyond repair. It must be pulled up by the roots and re-planted. The “law” schools turn out nothing but grifters, liars, and thieves. They, too, must be reformed. Our “legal” system is little more than a grotesque extortion – a perversion of justice – a tool of oppression and plunder.

    I have no idea how much more we Americans are willing to take before pulling down the edifices of evil – ALL of them – not just the maggot lawyers and their ilk.

    “Woe to them that make wicked laws;
    and when they write, write injustice.”
    (Isaias 10:1)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The fix is in at all levels. They are attempting to destroy Trump financially and personally. We have no legitimate justice system. There is a concerted effort to eliminate Trump at all costs. The corrupt cabal cannot afford another Trump term. He is much wiser and now understands what / who he is up against. They will stop at nothing to try and preserve their power. They are also desperate because of Trump’s massive support and the abject failure of Joe Biden. It will be an interesting year.


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