Sleepy Critters, Part 2 – IOTW Report

Sleepy Critters, Part 2

Images from:

1) Menotu (Sleeping Sam)
2) Menotu (Sleeping Barn Cats)
3) Mary Hatch (Loki and Thor) Twins.
4) Not at all confused (Kilo)
5) Not at all confused (Logan)
6) Bayouwulf (Penny and Ernie) catching the early morning Sun, through the front storm door; while Dad peruses through iOTWReport.
8) bluebird of bitterness (Scruffy)
9) Old Guy (Violet) taking a catnap.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • 8-1, Caption the Critter Photos – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY AT NOON. – strange/funny/confusing critter photos.
  • 8-8, Critter Buddies – Do your critters have a best friend?
  • 8-15, Summer critter photos
  • 8-22, What critters raid your birdfeeders? Let’s see your mug shots! – Theme idea from Mansfield Lovell

Thanks to all our readers who send me their critter photos for all to enjoy!

12 Comments on Sleepy Critters, Part 2

  1. @Claudia re story ideas. I’ll tell you what critters raid our birdfeeders – it’s a buncha damn squirrels! We’re surrounded on three sides by thick woods and there are at least two squirrel nests within eyesight.

    I have waged a war of genocide upon this pox of furry rodents, trapping them with bird suet as bait. Soon as I hear that CLANG! of the trapdoor I go outside with my .22 and put em outta my misery.

    Meanwhile Auggie is back inside, refusing to go out, the cowering chickenshit.

  2. Good morning iOTW, and thank you Claudia for your Sunday morning critter post. They are a cute bunch. Puts me in the mood to take a short catnap.

  3. That big, hairy, white dog guarding the front door is named Sasha. If you want a great guard dog that is very protective, fiercely loyal and sheds enough hair to make a big throw rug twice a year, get a Great Pyrenees. This one is a rescue dog, and a real character.

  4. Belly Up sleeping is a sure sign of pure contentment!
    I have WAY too many pictures of my clowns sleeping in ALL manner of orientations!
    Nice collection, Claudia. Thanks!!!

  5. Evenin’ everyone…

    (Was traveling from the bunker hence the late post.)

    I want to know what they dream of…with ALL that sleep..


    Thanks C!

    Have a great and strong week…

  6. Hey Claudia – thanks for some great pics!! I just LOVE watching them sleep. So precious and when they yawn, the best!

    Say your prayers everyday and thanks, again Claudia for the peaceful feeling!

    God Bless us all!


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