Sloppy Jon Tester(D) and 90+ Montana legislators send Biden a sternly written letter about pipeline cancellation – IOTW Report

Sloppy Jon Tester(D) and 90+ Montana legislators send Biden a sternly written letter about pipeline cancellation

Just The News:

Dozens of Montana state legislators signed onto a letter to President Biden and the state’s congressional delegation, expressing opposition to the cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline project.

President Biden revoked a permit for the pipeline on the first day of his term.

In the letter to the president, Sen. Jon Tester, Sen. Steve Daines and Rep. Matt Rosendale, the more than 90 lawm akers said the pipeline would add to state revenue and be a source of jobs. More

13 Comments on Sloppy Jon Tester(D) and 90+ Montana legislators send Biden a sternly written letter about pipeline cancellation

  1. I honestly don’t see how the president can unilaterally control whether the pipeline happens or not. All the environmental studies were done years ago. It was deep into construction.
    Yet the last 3 presidents have written EOs either allowing or forbidding it. Can they do that with anything else?

  2. Left Coast Dan
    MARCH 12, 2021 AT 9:38 AM
    “I honestly don’t see how the president can unilaterally control whether the pipeline happens or not.”

    …well, he’s not ACTUALLY the President, so since he’s ALREADY illegitimate and got there by MASSIVE law breaking by TPTB, the law is now whatever TPTB SAY it is at any given time.

    …welcome to post-Constitutional America. Relax, do as your told, and they may let you live until they have time to get your guns…

  3. To Biden? It should have been addressed to Susan Rice. Regardless, they’re laughing about the letter. Montana? Montana legislators? They’re wondering where Montana actually is.

    Guess who’s getting the next bus/plane load of illegals.

  4. Ignore him and keep working until all of the votes that were illigitimate or stolen get discarded. After that Trump will continue the pipeline permit that is still in effect.


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