Slow Motion Fight To the Death (Over the Last Beer) Ends Awkwardly – IOTW Report

Slow Motion Fight To the Death (Over the Last Beer) Ends Awkwardly

(Guy asks for a hug in order to stop the fight… then he asks for a kiss.)

Liquor. The gateway drug to homosexuality.

ht/ rob e.

23 Comments on Slow Motion Fight To the Death (Over the Last Beer) Ends Awkwardly

  1. Huh? I wish I hadn’t watched. Thought it was fake at first. Wish we could have seen the guy filming. He sounded … oh, never mind.

    I’m too tired to try to figure that out. But, geeze, that was stupid!

  2. Benito the Bombed Beaner January 16, 2017 at 9:31 pm


    Well I did, I wasn’t expecting that. Fat drunk guy beating up a drunk pajama boy. I wonder if weed is more mellow than alcohol. Seems to me booze gets your butt hurt going faster than a mellow high from weed. I won’t be trying weed now that’s it’s been legalized here in California. That’s why Barack is headed here doncha know.


    For some reason, the bigger one had some of his fingers in the little dude’s mouth.
    Then the little one started to windmill the bigger one from behind calling him names and yelling “ammo keel yew” etc., then the big one’s shirt got ripped and then big asked for a hug and the little one didn’t want a kiss aaaand everyone’s bloody. It was pretty much like Matrix with drunk lethargic people.

  4. Once again, the chick filming just kept saying, “stop”, but wouldn’t do anything to stop the fight. It was more important to her to get the fight on video so she could post it, no matter the outcome. 🙁

  5. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll repeat. When I was right out of college I took a job as a bouncer at a hopping night club in Campbell California. Most of the higher ups that ran security there were Hells Angels. They know their shit about crowd control. You heard shit disturbers out if the building. At all costs avoid a fight. Most important rule, never turn your back on a drunk.

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