Smoke and Mirrors Produce Pillow Biting Amongst Trump Hating GOP – IOTW Report

Smoke and Mirrors Produce Pillow Biting Amongst Trump Hating GOP

Pillow biters are running around saying Trump is doubling the amount of refugees admitted into the country. They’ve fallen for fuzzy math pushed by people who want Trump out of office, the left and right, alike, that prefer globalization.

Here’s a breakdown of the NYTs article that details the numbers.

Trump has continually tried to limit the number of refugees admitted into this country from war torn Muslim countries.

Activist judges keep blocking him.

The state department lifted a quota that was put in place since the Obama administration, a number the state department wanted met each and every year.

The media has chosen to characterize this as a lift in the “limit” of how many refugees can enter the country, as opposed to saying the State Department removed a mandatory quota.

Meanwhile, Trump has slashed the money that is used to relocate refugees.

With the remaining money left in their budge, the private agencies tasked with relocating refugees are in a flurry of activity.

While 13,255 refugees were admitted in August, that number plunged to just 2,070 in March. So far during the 2017 fiscal year, 45,732 people have been admitted, just a few thousand short of Mr. Trump’s proposed cap.

Trump proposed a limit of 50,000 people, down from Obama’s 100,000. Even with the “doubling of refugees coming in since the lift on quotas”, the estimate of refugees coming in this fiscal year (70,000) is still far below Obama’s last year in office (85,000.) So, I’m not seeing the “doubling” that pillow biters are claiming has happened.

Will 70,000 refugees come in next year? Trump has kneecapped the agency with the purse string, but the GOP is preparing to buck him.

“The president’s proposed budget cuts for 2018 would mean we would have a much smaller program next year no matter what happens with his executive orders,” said Erol Kekic, executive director of the immigration and refugee program at Church World Service.

Perhaps even more worrisome, refugee advocates said they had seen a slowdown in security screenings by the Department of Homeland Security, whose checks are required for refugees to enter the United States.

Still, even Republicans in Congress have said that few of Mr. Trump’s proposed budget cuts to foreign aid and the State Department’s budget would be adopted into law.

In a visit this week to Syrian refugee camps in Turkey, Nikki R. Haley, the United Nations ambassador, all but urged Congress to reverse Mr. Trump’s proposed cuts in aid to refugees.

“It’s starting the conversation,” Ms. Haley said of Mr. Trump’s proposed budget, according to The Associated Press. “It doesn’t mean that’s where it will end up. He’s going to have that conversation with Congress on where we should fall on this.”

It’s the GOP that is combatting Trump and then pointing at him and saying he’s no good.


6 Comments on Smoke and Mirrors Produce Pillow Biting Amongst Trump Hating GOP

  1. Ann Corcoran has been a wealth of information on this subject, but lately she’s hitched her caboose to the Ann Coulter train in daily tweets deriding TRUMP’s efforts without mentioning the opposition and obstacles he faces.
    I finally got sick of it and told her to as much.

  2. Well that’s it then. I was all in with Trump but then the New York Times calls him an untrustworthy reprobate. I’m totally finished with Trump.


    Where did that turnip truck go anyway?

  3. The stories don’t make sense anyway when you see planes of Somalis being sent home and Central America panicked over gang members being returned in droves. The problem is Breitbart has the stories too. The infiltrators are everywhere..

  4. Pretty sure I saw an article today that referenced that ‘45,000 refugees this year’ number, also noting that about 30,000 of them came before inauguration day. In which case a little more honesty would be appreciated from the NY Times et al.

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