Smug Psaki Speaks About Baby Formula Being Provided To Illegals – IOTW Report

Smug Psaki Speaks About Baby Formula Being Provided To Illegals

She talks about the law, since 1997, is that we will provide baby formula for babies under 1 that have been brought over the border, and every administration has adhered by that law.

There has never been a shortage, and there has never been this many babies under 1 crossing the border.

Also, if these people are breaking the law, and American citizens are going without formula, then we should break the law.

Psaki is a smug asswipe-

13 Comments on Smug Psaki Speaks About Baby Formula Being Provided To Illegals

  1. Raggedy Ann is pure evil. So people who cross the border illegally with babies receive and deserve the formula before our own citizens? Law she speaks of doesn’t mention outrageous numbers never seen before at our border. Take care of Americans first, then if surplus help.

  2. This is bad, and my peeps are directly effected. But this will be nothing compared to the upcoming diesel shortage. No freight will move. That’s when these bastards better go into hiding.

  3. This is the kind of stuff that happens in Communist countries.🤨

    Never would’ve thought I’d live to see it in America, we have some really sick bastards running our country.😡

  4. This is an example of the saying: The Law Is An Ass.

    Adherence to a stupid law is somewhat like another saying: Consistency is The Hobgoblin of Small Minds.

  5. @Miss Kitty May 13, 2022 at 11:41 pm

    > Never would’ve thought I’d live to see it in America, we have some really sick bastards running our country.

    There is no “American” country. The United Nations’ duly designated representatives, The United States, occupy (much of North) America. For the benefit of there colonial “funders”.

    Same as it ever was. Don’t like it? Stop sending them bullits & sammiches.

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