Snopes Gets Biden Hardhat Facts Backwards and Has to Reverse – IOTW Report

Snopes Gets Biden Hardhat Facts Backwards and Has to Reverse

Red State

That was pretty hilarious because they’re trying to make him look like a relatable regular guy, “Scranton Joe,” and he doesn’t even know how to wear a hard hat. It also looked like the workers may have been laughing at him rather than with him. 

But Snopes then seemed to claim we all hadn’t seen what we saw. They ruled the claim that he wore it backwards false. They concluded he was wearing it with the bill of the hard hat forward, comparing it with a picture of a worker who also had the bill facing forward, and it had the same stickers on it as Joe’s. So they claimed he was wearing it correctly. More

22 Comments on Snopes Gets Biden Hardhat Facts Backwards and Has to Reverse

  1. He has his bucket on backwards. What is significant is the entire prog propaganda machine was trying to say he didn’t.

    FWIW, there is a damn good reason to turn the damn thing around in some environments. Just like the bill on a baseball style cap, if there are overhead obstructions the bill of the cap prevents you from seeing them. When I worked in a prestressed concrete plant most of the workers wore their bucket backwards. There was bracing etc sticking out from the forms that most of the people who didn’t work around it daily ran into constantly when they were out in the plant. They didn’t see it because it was just above the bill of their hard hats. I’ve got two trees in my landscaping that if I wear my cap while mowing the lawn I will run into branches every damn time. I just can’t see them with my cap on.

  2. There are few things sillier than a politician doing a “man of the people” photo for campaign ads. In W. Tx., we have fops who have never smelled their own sweat posing next to John Deere combines, wearing brand new dungarees, and a piece of wheat straw in their teeth. Another ad will show them in hard hat pointing at a drilling rig. My favorite is a committee, all with new shovels painted gold, breaking ground on a new construction site. Of course, they all have new chrome hard hats when there is absolutely nothing overhead and no workers or equipment on site. Yeah, got my vote.

  3. JD, one of my favorite scenes. When I bump in to something, knot my head, or stub my toe, I usually mutter “wire main office.” And ditto the hat bills, I won’t wear one, there’s an amazing number of things at my own house and property that are at scalp level.

  4. My boss and I were the only engineering staff who were out and around in the plant on a daily basis. We knew why the guys on the line wore their pots backwards. The staff who were rarely away from a desk didn’t have a clue.

  5. Snopes used to be run out of a basement right up the road from where I’m sitting. The guy has a reputation as a first rate asshole, and a piece of shit. I am not sure if he’s still there of not.

    Snopes Retracts 60 Articles Plagiarized by Co-Founder

    The New York Times › 2021/08/13 › business › media
    Aug 13, 2021 — Snopes, which has long presented itself as the internet’s premier fact-checking resource, has retracted 60 articles after a BuzzFeed News …

  6. Did you read that word salad snopes put out to justify themselves? Snopes couldn’t just say they were wrong and fix it. They had to make sure you understood their false logic by twisting your own mind into a pretzel.

  7. two different caps being shown. top one (on noodle brains head) is a ball cap type. Joe has it on backwards. bottom cap is a full brim often seen in the oil fields.

  8. Really?
    You can’t expect a Retarded Pedophile Usurper to know how to wear a hat – particularly a hard hat.
    And you can’t expect any sort of facts from a propaganda outfit like Snopes.

    A shit-breath, living in terror in his mom’s basement, who calls himself “anonymous” because he lives in fear, has the temerity to call someone “pussies?” That’s rich, bozo! A fucking coward calling others “pussies!”

    You really are a source of malignant humor – just like the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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