Sociologist: Less Than 10 Percent Of March For Our Lives Participants Were Children – IOTW Report

Sociologist: Less Than 10 Percent Of March For Our Lives Participants Were Children

DC: A sociologist on MSNBC threw cold water on all the media’s claims that the March For Our Lives protests were spontaneous and led by the nation’s children during a “Morning Joe” segment on Monday.

University of Maryland sociologist Dana Fisher conducted a study of the demographics of Saturday’s march in Washington, D.C., and discovered that only less than 10 percent of those in the crowd were under the age of 18.

While Fisher tried to make it sound like these individuals were all potential voters, it is likely that many of those who showed up were simply run-of-the-mill liberal activists.

The study was done by going through the crowds with tablets and conducting surveys of participants and then extrapolating trends from the data collected, according to Fisher. watch

17 Comments on Sociologist: Less Than 10 Percent Of March For Our Lives Participants Were Children

  1. DAVID HOGG: On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.
    I rest my case about this mother fuc loser.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t the Secretaries of each individual state the final arbiters of who qualifies to vote in each state. According to the left, you’re a child under 26, an adult over 18, eligible if illegal or felon or a mental case and so on. We need to institute extensive Civics and I.Q. tests for who is a responsible voter, PRONTO.

    Also, what’s wrong with an Electoral college for each county within a state?? Each county gets 1 electoral vote regardless of population. I’m sure the counties of most states (let’s use Washington) prefer not to have their votes lumped in with the psychos of Seattle or north of Portland areas.

  3. Okay no posting but I want my friends in iowt report to know that in my areas Washington DC and Maryland someone is sending explosive to the military bases. At least 5 of them.

  4. It was refreshing seeing liberals march again given the fact that the antiwar left disappeared for 8 years of obama wars.

    I know that they’re sincere

  5. It was refreshing seeing liberals march again given the fact that the antiwar left disappeared for 8 years of obama wars.

    I know that they’re sincere

  6. David Fagg rode his bike 3 miles to school to film the shooting. How did Fagg get in the school since the school was on lockdown? How did he get past the police and Cruz and get into a locked down classroom closet? Wouldnt even the most brain dead mutant of a news repeater be curious about that?

  7. Just to let You sh*tpickles know…The turnout at the

    Book burning later that Night was a huge success…

    We also gathered round the fire and sang

    ” Deutschland, Deutschland über alles” while throwing

    Ayn Rand editions into the fire…Later on that night

    I won the Goosestepping competition hands down (or should I

    say Hands Heil 😉 )

    Later loosers…


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