Some people deserve the Vulcan nerve pinch – IOTW Report

Some people deserve the Vulcan nerve pinch

…With both hands.


19 Comments on Some people deserve the Vulcan nerve pinch

  1. MJA, I’m with you. I always ask for everything but ketchup. Our local joint puts less mustard and onions combined than the amount of ketchup on the pictured burger.

    There are times when I counted fewer than 5 onion shards. The mustard barely stains the bun, so there’s none on the meat, and I never eat the buns.

  2. Several years ago in SoCal I ended up at a mc-d’s located in a walmart while my friend was getting something. I was going to get a quick bacon,egg& cheese bisquit. The teenage girl behind the counter says; “sorry, but we’re out of square eggs”. I say huh? She says; “we have the round eggs, but are out of the square ones”. I quickly realized that in her limited experience, she meant they were out of the little formerly frozen, scrambled egg “squares” used on the bisquits and only had the formerly frozen fried “round” eggs used on the mcmuffin. Poor girl, guess her mom never cooked at home or she never took an interest in home food preparation. She was cute though….hope that worked out for her.

  3. As a practical matter, whether it’s a McBurgerkid or a McBurgerobot you’re better off telling them what you don’t want on a regular menu item. If you order a bacon cheeseburger with ketchup only, you won’t get asked “What, you don’t want the bacon or cheese? But you want the meat, right? Derp.”

  4. When I was in undergrad, one of the chicks in my circle of friends was Indian (dot, not feather) and Hindu. So we’d all be out on a Saturday night and swing by a burger place drive-thru. She’d order a cheeseburger, hold the patty.

    As the song goes, she didn’t eat meat, but she sure liked the bone.

  5. Things I learned at fast food joints:
    Do not tell them you want a burger with everything except catsup because they do not understand ‘except’.

    Do not order unsweetened iced tea because they only understand iced tea no sugar. And they’ll ask if you want sugar packets with that.

    The local Wendy’s where there are adults working gets it right. So does Chik-Fil-A.

  6. Went through this with a 16 y.o. taking our order at a burger place in Lake Geneva back in `78.

    Wife wanted a cheeseburger with nothing on it. She got a hamburger with nothing on it.

    I take it back to tell the girl at the counter it was missing the cheese.

    “That is a cheeseburger with nothing on it.”

    After a progression of interchanges over why anyone would ask for and pay for cheese that isn’t on a sandwich, she rolled her eyes and agreed to put cheese on it. Asking for the manager can have that effect.

    Stupidest thing. Kids!

  7. Eugenia , True!

    One of my workers back in the 80s hated mustard and never wanted cheese on a sandwich. He made a big deal about it every time. “Nothing yellow! No cheese! No mustard!” But in many more words.

    The rest of us laughed our asses off at how many times he got a cheese and mustard only sandwich.

    Dude, quit going over the top. All they remember hearing is mustard and cheese by the time you’re done.

  8. Eat wid da Klown, get what you deserve.

    Didn’t they hire Gibbs?

    Seen their latest commercial?

    Fuck them. Ain’t goin back – even though I’ll miss the “Big Breakfast.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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