Someone is using all the lube – IOTW Report

Someone is using all the lube

Fox The USS Fort Worth, a Navy littoral combat ship, has suffered extensive gear damage while docked at a port in Singapore. The Navy is blaming the incident on a crew error.

According to reports, the crew failed to use sufficient lube oil, leading to excessively high temperatures on the gears.

ht/ Boobie the Rocket Dog


Obama’s Navy.

Might be the answer to what’s happening to the lube.

17 Comments on Someone is using all the lube

  1. Don’t believe it. Poor design or defective parts are the culprit, not the human element. Trying to save face for the contractor and government connections. It will probably be another huge cost added to the contract to fix this.

  2. Pure Bullshit. My son was stationed on the Rickover, and fudging a log brought an instantaneous Captain’s Mass, and if more serious, like damaging the boat, a Court Martial.

    Swabbies don’t fuck around with shit like that.
    Not even in Obola’s Navy.

    Probably the fault of “green” petroleum replacements.

  3. It took 58+ years for me to hear and learn what “littoral” is.

    Pretty confident I’ll never use it in a sentence outside of talking about a U.S. Navy Littoral Combat Ship.

    Something tells me the USS Fort Worth smells like a cattle car.

    You’d have to know Ft. Worth, aka Cowtown.

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