Something Fishy About Obama Personal Chef Drowning? – IOTW Report

Something Fishy About Obama Personal Chef Drowning?


Tafari Campbell’s drowning death is deemed an accident but Massachusetts police are STILL withholding basic information about Barack Obama’s personal chef under the guise of an ‘ongoing investigation’

  • Tafari Campbell’s July 23 drowning death near the Obamas’ Martha’s Vineyard estate was ruled an accident but police continue to withhold information
  • Authorities are rejecting requests for the identity of the sole witness and the 911 caller, citing an exemption that allows police to withhold information
  • The head of the region’s First Amendment coalition told that police are abusing the Public Records Law

Massachusetts state police are covering up information about the drowning of Barack Obama‘s personal chef, labeling the incident an accident but continuing to withhold information under the guise of an ‘ongoing investigation’, can reveal.

It’s been 11 days since Tafari Campbell drowned in a pond bordering the former president’s estate, but authorities are rejecting requests for even basic facts including the identity of the sole witness and the 911 caller. 

The state is citing a Public Records Law exemption that allows police to withhold any information that could jeopardize an active investigation.


29 Comments on Something Fishy About Obama Personal Chef Drowning?

  1. They have zeroed this dude out of existence on social media and regular media, almost like they did with the TN Trans killer.

    The whole global apparatus is in high gear to ensure the other Tranny gets the nomination.

    She is their only prayer against PDJT. They are protecting the Wookie.

  2. Here’s a theory…
    He knew too much. Somebody talked him into paddleboarding late in the evening without a life preserver. There was a thug in scuba gear waiting under water and pulled him under until he drowned.

  3. The police won’t say who called 911. They say the victim was with another person at the time of the incident, but won’t say who. Obama is photographed a few days after with a bandaged hand and — so I’m told — facial injuries that look as if he’d been in a fight.


  4. Toss this in the trash can with all the other cases with strange features and inconsistencies involving high profile dems and resign yourselves to never finding the truth.

  5. what is it about the Mass. St. Police, particularly in the Bridgeport, Hyannis Port, Martha’s Vineyard area w/ famous politicians drowning their ‘paramores’

    wasn’t there another big-time schlub D’rat politician back in the ’70’s that drove his car off a bridge there & drowned a young lady …. w/ her underdrawers in the glove compartment?

    …. who was that guy ….. ? Chappabetweenhisthighs, or something?

    D’rats sure do leave a lot of bodies around, don’t they?

  6. The hamburger flipper was also a swimmer. He swam laps daily, so I’d say his drowning was suspicious. However, maybe he got the jab and had a heart attack. We’ll never know. They’ll bury the story.

  7. Trying to swim while Barky had his hands on his pecker.

    The AP just put out an article Titled: “Obama’s Bandaged Fingers don’t suggest a roll in his chef’s death. Its Golf tape for Blisters”

  8. There could be without a doubt footage of Obammy sitting on top of Mooch’s shoulders as the Kenyan faggot pulls Tafari underwater and Mooch stomps him to death and it will all be swept under the rug.

  9. No matter how much they’re apparently covering up what really happened? Democrats have been getting away with MURDER forever and will continue to do so.

  10. Barry’s skinny dip with the male “help” gone wrong. Not the first time Barry was injured during a “playful” romp or a queer playmate was permanently silenced.


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