Son of Hamas “Defector” a Fraud? – IOTW Report

Son of Hamas “Defector” a Fraud?

Pamela Geller

Mosab, “son of Hamas,” has been exposed as a fraud by counter jihad fighter Walid Shoebat. Many of us, myself included, blogged about the phenom Mosab.

Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of a jailed Hamas terrorist leader and MP, Sheikh Hassan Yousef,  the most popular figure in that extremist Islamic organization. Mosab, as a young man, assisted his father for years in his political activities. He converted to Christianity and operated undercover in the service of Israel’s intelligence agency for a decade. Yousef reveals this information in an upcoming book,  Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices.

It wasn’t until I read passages from his book that I backed away from Mosab. He was very anti-Israel. What he revealed about himself was incongruous with the media hype of Mosab. Walid Shoebat has transalated Mosab’s arabic interviews — check it out:

The Mosab Yousef Saga: Did Hamas ‘Defector’ Dupe All of Us?

Listen to what the former Israeli spy and Son of Hamas author says when he speaks Arabic: it’s clear he’s more double agent than turncoat.

While a prisoner of Israel in 1996, Mosab Hassan Yousef — the son of Sheik Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas — was approached by Shin Bet agents who looked to recruit him to spy within Hamas. He agreed. Mosab’s information soon had Shin Bet calling him “the most reliable source in the Hamas leadership,” and Israeli lives were undoubtedly saved as a result of Mosab’s collaboration.

Despite this success, Yousef has since revealed himself to be more double agent than turncoat.


h/t  C Steven Tucker

11 Comments on Son of Hamas “Defector” a Fraud?

  1. Just seemed to be to out in the open to be believable. If it were true hamas would have surely killed him. After all they have agents high up in our gobernment and could have easily found him.

  2. Read his book and it was okay, but didn’t find it to be as compelling as Shoebat’s. Maybe for the same reason that The Bible seems true, and the Book of Mormon (or Koran) does not.

    Really studied Shoebat & Richardson’s “God’s War on Terror.” They have some interesting takes on Bible prophesy that are minutely researched, logically and intelligently presented, one being the Beast is Islam & the Anti-Christ their leader.

    The most controversial is Shoebat’s reading of the mark of the Beast from an ancient Greek text, the “sign” which has been mostly translated as “666.” Walid makes an excellent case the symbols shown to John which look like stigma-6, & xi-60 are actually Arabic for “bismallah” (in HIS name) and the “X” or chi=600, is actually crossed swords symbolizing Jihad.

    Makes a lot of sense to me because WHO is the number one enemy of God, Jews and Christians, for the last 1400 years? John didn’t know he was copying down Arabic because it hadn’t been invented yet.

  3. Yet, somehow, everybody thinks Huma Abedin is just a modern muslim gal, trying to peacefully make her way between two worlds.

    And Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is just an enigma who disappeared without further controversy.

    As far as I’m concerned, it’s taqiyyah all the way down with every muslim.

  4. Walid Shoebat is a warrior. A bulldog with his teeth in the flesh of Islam. He wont let go. His book “Gods War on Terror”, as Roadmaster says, is most excellent. I agree with Walid that the headbands and armbands that Islamist wear are the mark of the beast. It is a blasphemous statement. Read the book, you wont put it down.

    He has a 2-3 hour explanation of his version of endtimes posted on youtube.

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