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The democRATS are so busy trying to justify their own bullshit the remind me of a cat trying to cover up it’s shit during a sand storm!
Ladies & Gentlemen, start your engines.
My corn is popped and I have two streaming sites ready (if one hangs). GOOOOOOOOOO TRUMP!
Now, THAT is a First Lady.
Melania enters looking wonderful as usual.
They can’t help themselves. Melania’s dress is a code that for Women In White and a subtle jab at what a sexist pig her husband is. *This* is CNN.
I have to address the state of my pants.
Thank you Melania.
Oh, thank you!!! I was SO HOPING you would have a live blog!
so … who’s the ‘designated survivor’?
BFH: Reminder to reverse the sort sequence of the comments.
Oh Melania. Why would you pick a rich and powerful guy when you could have had me?
…but our last beauty queen first lady could at least drag her knuckles upon her grand entrance!
Designated survivor I think is Sonny Perdue
This First State of The Union for President Trump is gonna be YUUGE. On time too.
WTG Moxie. Thanks.
Why the Obama *gulp* blue tie?
The SS are all serious.
Whine Williams sez Trump’s popularity is in the low 30’s … dream on Whine
He looks great.
Anon was me.
(Yay! for the iotw live feed!)
Damnit. Putin suggested a red tie.
Did Andrew Klaven just announce the president?
Meygan Kelly started out by attacking Mr. Trump like the backstabbing traitor she is.
Thank God almighty it ain’t Hillary up there! Thank God Almighty!
Ryan’s mike sounds crappy
For the first time in years of SOTU addresses, I am proud of my country.
Ryan Freudian Slip…
I have the honor of preventing – presenting to you, the President of the United States.
Was that a reallly looonnnnnng ovation, or what?!
Cabinet looked so professional, not a bunch of glad-handing pols.
The men leading him are grim looking men. down looking faces, They will kill you. These are his men. The deep state is on notice.
Melania in white, in total contrast to those Democrats in mourning.
thank you Ashley
5 minutes in – Obama would’ve stumbled over “I” and “me” 300x by now!
I have a lump in my throat for some reason.
Yay! Steve Scalise
Thx for the live blog, Fur!
Yea, Steve!
Gonna make me cry! Honoring ordinary Americans just doing their jobs — and the “Legend of Louisiana.”
Schumer and Pelosi look like demons…
Well, they are.
I have a lump in my throat. First SOTU I’ve seen in years.
Crazy Pelosi’s sour puss face. Priceless!!!
They’re still pissed off since Nov 2016
The blue tie. Too magnanimous. Like Rush says, he’s just not a ideological. Still love him though.
Nan can’t move … her face might crack
PDT is applauding these people.
Did ODumbo do that?
Pelosi have her smile surgically removed for tonight?
I am LOVING IT every Tim the camera pans to a morose looking Chuck and Nancy!
And FNC just focused on Boris and Natasha. Snarling and mean.
Apparently the left doesn’t think the people are strong.
Nancy! Why aren’t you clapping for Americans?
Oh, yeah. You actually hate us.
“If there is a mountian, we climb it.”
I’m not even watching and I’m already emotional! God bless you, Mr President!
Pelosi is chewing her cud or her dentures are loose.
I see the black Caucasians are wearing their kunta kinta garb
Democrats sit for rising wages and low African American unemployment.
Bad news for black racists, I guess. They do not applaud lowest level of black unemployment. In fact, they look pissed.
They realize they will not be needed if they can’t sell misery.
I hope many times the cameras catch the D leadership looking dour and mean. Just caught Nasty P. grimacing and holding her hands in her lap. Their hatred for Americans couldn’t be more palpable.
Wow, three people from the other side of the aisle stood up at the unemployment numbers!
LOWEst ever black unemployment, and the black Democrats refuse to applaud! There is a campaign commercial for any republican right there!
Is there anything better, than watching a room LESS than half-full of democraps, sucking lemons?!

The Democrat Party Plantation House N*gg*rs won’t stand up or clap.
Kente cloth – slave wear for the Marxist Black Caucus. Ignorant and Shameful.
Awww, Louie Gohmert – he is so cute.
Anyone else noting the RINOs piling on the economic boom bandwagon? F them-YOU DIDN’T BUILD THIS!
There’s your AD folks. Democrats not applauding more money in your own pocket.
the demonRats don’t applaud people getting their own money back
Standing O for the “individual mandate is now gone!”
Wouldn’t it be great if a cartoon house fell out of the ceiling on Nasty P.? lol
What a cheer for the individual mandate repeal!
ObamaCare Gone! …. BOOM!!!
Who put the superglue under the Democrats’ arses?
I’ll go ahead and tell you Nazi Pelosivic’s response to President Bush’s speech. She didn’t like it.
Nancy: Everything he says makes us look bad!
Steny Hoyer: Shut up!
Gosh, I feel all choked up….
I so wish my mom was alive to see this.
UH-OH! One escaped of the plantation and succeeded WITHOUT democrap interfer- I mean, “assistance.”
CAN’T clap for THAT brutha!
He’s getting loud robust cheers. Wonderful. Making the democRats look stupid as the sit on thie brains.
The President is celebrating REAL Americans. I love this man.
Why is everybody hating on his tie? I like it!
What could the Dems possibly rebut/whine about so far?
Brown-Eyed girl – oh, me too. My mom would have loved our President.
Nancy: “Crumbs!”
I’m so tired of winning already…
Hey, Doc. How much longer are you in Facebook jail?
Honoring the flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm… can’t cheer the flag if you’re a Commiecrat!
In GOD we trust!!!!
Wow, a lot of them stood up for the flag! Shock!
Faith and family. NOT government. Amen.
In God we trust. A bridge too far for democrats.
F8ck you kneelers. -DJT
First time the Joint Chiefs have clapped in 9 years… D’OHHH!
Is Nancy high on something?
PDT is hitting this one out of the Park!
He is our President and he loves us.
Why does anyone doubt him.
What has he done to let us down, and do you think he will let us down ever?
The man is True to his word.
Hold the line and never ever forget that Trump is on our side.
We are lucky that he ran, and won thanks to all of our support.
What a cute kid!
Whoah, I’d like to be in Preston’s seat. Va Va Voom!
Democraps are like, “Stand for the WHUT?!?!”
Steve Scalise looks great!
Nancy’s crack is kicking in.
Mark Levin was such a downer before this speech- I don’t know why I started listening to him again. He was as sour as Nancy P.
12 years old can teach something to the NFL.
The is no “I” in We.
Take that, NFL thugs!
I can’t stand it! This is BEAUTIFUL!
This is a pretty good SOTU speech.
I need more Kleenex.
Bitter clingers to Bibles & guns?!!? Have the democraps detonated yet?!?! :-p
Great dig at the NFL tools, leftist black players and enablers.
Gorsuch looks pissed. Maybe it’s because he’s stuck sitting next to Paul Blart, Mall Cop.
The Dems have to be crapping them self.
They can’t even clap for religious liberty.
What are the purple bows?
9:32 pm mark levin is mad because of the DACA and the criminals illegal aliens.but he supports trump
Love that POTUS just bitch-slapped the NFL – SUCK IT ROGER!
We need a dem cam to show just how evil they are.
When the camera happens to show them they sit on their hands for God, country, the flag and anthem.
Can’t wait for Rick Astley’s response speech.
Take THAT, FBI!!!
Every black gorilla congresswoman are mad
Luv ya’ COAL!
Cabinet Secretaries – Clean up your corner of the swamp!
I usually don’t care for these speeches, but this one gives me a happy.
LISTEN UP, Dee-troit! Build more V-8 powered RWD cars, like God intended!!!
That Kennedy kid’s gotta be pretty drunk by now.
The woman DEMS are using black clothes I guess because Hussein Obama dead.
Obama said in his dismal shitty speeches that manufacturing was never coming back.
Unfortunately, he did go along with ethanol’s lobby to carry Iowa.
Otherwise, great on energy.
I think the purple bows are a tribute to Barky’s lips
@Irony +1000 re: drunk Kennedy
They are moving the plants from Mexico because DJT isn’t going to let them launder Chinese auto part imports through Mexican assembly plants using NAFTA! MAGA!
How wonderful is it that we have a President who loves this country? This wonderful speech just brings home how beaten down we were, and how uplifted we are now.
I see the DEMS not clapping for the nice way that stuff is going in the USA . Does socialist are angry bitch.
Will he bring up the wall? I say no.
Democraps oughta be cheering that “right to try” for treatment for terminal patients. 937 year old Bernie Sanders, 863 year old Nancy Pelosi, 746 year old Hitlery, and 613 year old Schmuckles will NEED those treatments, soon!
Terminally ill should have the right to try. No Obama plecebo pill and give up.
O.k., the speech for the first half hour or so was “winning, winning, winning.” Now it’s time to outline next year’s winning.
Love that gesture to the Dems –
‘What, can’t you even stand up for cheaper prescription drugs?’
Nanny pelosi face is about to bust with all that Botox.
The right to try experimental drugs! Contrast that to the left’s right to assisted suicide. Our March For Life Pesident!
Wow, going after pharma prices! Woooooohooooo!
Please, please get the price of insulin under control.
It is insane.
This is not something people can skip for awhile, or cut in half.
It’s a tough life to think you’re going to run out of a drug that would mean you’re dead the next day.
The right to try….the democraps hate that!
The majority of this speech is news to my lefty friends who only know by what they read on Twitter.
Economic surrender over. Take that Barry. We built that!!
BigFurHat – Trump used your Empire State Building line.
And Joe Manchin’s daughter’s Epipen price gouging
Are Pelosi’s dentures coming loose? Watch her.
Look at that gorilla congressman face sitting next to nanny pelosi and senator from Maryland I can’t stand him S Hoyer .
Flushing obama, flushing obama, Trump’s flushing obama again
Ha! Dems look like they’re a oil painting!
It’s obvious to any fair minded person who the problem is.
OH NOES – “welfare, to work?!?!” Trump is freeing the democrap’s slaves again! THAT won’t go over well!
shouting over the applause …. wonderful
Thank you democrats for demonstrating why I hate you and why you must be tossed on the scrap heap.
OMG! The theme to True Grit has been running through my head all day! And now we have True American Grit!!
This is just the beginning of year #2!! It’s gonna just get better and better! So long as we can keep the D’s preoccupied with side trips.
Jeff Sessions looks like a little Kiebler elf.
Uh Oh….here’s where the Dems start having strokes…
Real infrastructure. Not a Barry pipe dream. Meant the double entendre.
Poor Republicans. They are starting to just keep standing so they don’t have to groan as they get up and down, up and down!
I’m waiting to see if the criminals illegal aliens that are invited by the socialist DEMS to start making trouble.
Appoint Mike Rowe – Secretary of Vocational Education
‘Murica FIRST! Gangbangers get catapulted BACK over the wall!!! >:-(
The left lives in denial.
Here we go – TRUTH
Here it is! Illegal invaders.
this happen in Long Island New York
I think Bernie Sander just shithepants
I think President Trump only said “I” four times so far, unlike Obumbles who talked more about himself than he did about our country.
The left owns these deaths, they have blood on their where evers.
MS13 … ‘they’re just Dreamers’
Brilliant. Minority victims of illegal immigrant crime. Who are the racists now, donkeys?
As far as I can see there is not one man or woman that could do what he has done or is going to do.
To all the people still on the fence get off the fence and realize he is the real deal and is our last hope.
Has been from day one.
That happens around the good area that my family have their home I know that area good. Suffolk C Long Island New York.
AMERICA first?!?! Somewhere… Obama, just shit-the-pants!
Praying and grieving for victims of democRats policies. MS 13 is a curse. Thank God Trump is a president who will deal with this.
Yes love America people first.
“Americans are dreamers too”
We Americans are dreamers too!

Love it America are dreamers to love trump.
Mic drop moment of the night
AMERICANS are dreamers, too. WhooHooo. MAGA!
Holy Smokes! That’ll leave a mark!
The TRUTH! He is telling the truth! This might be the first time some of the listening audience has heard it. Dems want criminals instead of hardworking Americans.
Schumer does not have a neck
We’re just tougher than they are. MAGA
Border Patrol reinforcement. Yes, but also build the Wall!
Little Marco doesn’t stand …. with a look like he just crapped his Underoos
They couldn’t even clap for that.
Don’t like that trump hell no no DACA no criminals illegal aliens. No no no
This is the part that Levin was freaking out about.
It is frightening to think what would have happened if HRC was President and MS-13. I suspect the plan all along was to use them as political enforcers, as well as get a cut of their crime take.
Jeff Sessions took the threat as serious.
And he mentions the WAll! MAGA!
“Schumer does not have a neck”
Doesn’t have a SPINE, either.
The common sense President.
Ted Cruz got Heavy.
Holy Smokes.
I can tell you by living in the swamp area trump will not get that the DEMS don’t want to end migration this people want open borders so nothing will happen.
Nancy: Who clapped?!
Respect our country? the Donkey party don’t want any of these people coming here.
Cut the Chain!
“END chain migration.”
We’ve had all we can stand – we can’t stands NO MORE!!! >:-(
Little Marco was put in his place. I suspect they have the goods on him.
Melendez,Booker, and the Toys for Tots Vietnam war hero.
No catch and release, chain migration. Merit-based immigration. Long over due. Our sovereignty is crucial.
Keep in mind that POTUS’s immigration reform is a starting point. If the D’s get shitty about it, things can get yanked off the table very easily.
Did you guys heard the noise when trump said ending C migration
America First!
Trump is just kicking the stuffing out of Democrats.
Good luck trying to explain your stupid policies.
What was that wobble? Dems not happy and booing about chain(ed) migration?!?
I have a sputtering live feed.
who turned up the booing when he mentioned chain migration?
Cory Booker didn’t clap to stop drugs.
@ Bob, I am listening, not watching. I heard *something*. What was it.
Fighting the drug epidemic – carpet bombing the cocoa fields of South America would be a good start!
The DEMS will not do it because it will end chain migration and border wall etc not happening.
AA, exactly,
“Congress has until March 5th to fix DACA and if they can’t I will”
He only has one way to fix DACA.
I’m sobbing. Hope.
special place in heaven for ryan and rebecca
Anyone else have a weird feeling that that baby was going over the balcony?
Right to Life President. So much winning. Wonderful couple. WOW! Adoption great alternative.
The CBC looks really sad over the prospect of black Americans actually having an opportunity for real jobs again.
Never give up we will keep on winning that is all I hear.
No matter how hard the problem we will beat it.
True hope.
God bless Ryan & Rebeca
We have a First Hot Babe
She has grace and elegance
Her Husband is doing a good job
What a beautiful story adopted a baby from a crack head . I love story like this no abortion. Only DEMS believes in killing babies.
Ryan and Rebecca: pro-life America! They made a quick and lifelong choice to support a woman in crisis. That’s pro-choice!
Fur — Baby over the balcony? Yeah, I thought about it, too. But a mama would go over it with her.
That general on the far right looks like he needs a bathroom break.
Just a look at Cory Booker shows he is consumed my blind hate
How nice it is to have a President to tell us the truth about where we stand in the world.
Well done, SSG!
@ Mr. Pinko
“Cory Booker didn’t clap to stop drug”
And cut off his coke supplier? The horror.
Making the grestest military in the would great again.
ISIS reign of is terror over.
He’s so humble. Just doing my job.
I love that black dad with the earrings and ironic glasses shaking the military man’s hand.
Don’t know why. Just did.
Go Club Gitmo!
The best military in the world. The USA love it or leave .

Is he a corpseman? (My wife’s snark)
BfH – my thought exactly. And it was a BIG handshake. Loved it.
No more catch-n-release – no more Whack-a-mohammedan. HANG ‘EM HIGH!!!
al-Bagdadi? John McCain met with him and help arm ISIS.
Mattis looks like Lord Monckton with his eyeballs straightened out.
BFH I think the dad is the dad of the soldier who the Sgt. saved?
Gitmo! Get ready, deep state.
Keep Gitmo OPEN for business! YES! No releasing these terrorists.
Gitmo’s back in business, boys! Enhanced tortu…er, interrogation.
Trump isn’t Hussein Obama . He is killing does evil Muslim .
Commonsense CIC. I am not tired of winning.
Guantanimo still open for business. Yeah!
Gitmo stays open! Gotta have someplace to stash Hillary, Obama, and assorted other traitors.
Another F U to Obama – sending cash to our enemies.
“We no longer tell the enemy out plans.” Just good old fucking common sense. MAGA!
No money for America’s enemies? Take that, third world shitholes.
Foreign aid only goes to friends of America. What a concept.
Our money only go to friends of America? What a concept!
Israel FOREVER! Yes, President Trump. No more aid to our enemies.
@riverlife_callie – great minds!
He’s coming up on Bill Clinton’s time record, and that’s OK with me. Keep talking, Mr. President.
Guantanamo isn’t closing. All the evil Muslim like the one Philadelphia yesterday that try to kill Americans with license from Virginia and car with tags from Maryland. Guantanamo is big enough for evil Muslim and the criminal that try to get trump send them all to Guantanamo.
The faces of grief. God bless them.
Guess what CNN is going to do with the Warmbier’s story? Accuse POTUS of politicizing a family’s tragedy, right? But they will be the ones doing what they accuse.
Times up Rocket Man. You’re in Trump’s crosshairs.
I noticed that the father and mother from the guy from Korea crying and the DEMS evil will not stand.
GREAT MOMENT! North Korean holding up the crutches
Hey – American flag lapel pins on Trump, Pence, and Ryan! :tu:
So sad for the Warmbiers. Good people.
Trump recognizing the sacrifices of our allies against tyranny … beautiful
What is wrong with the DEMS
A sining light on a hill
“What is wrong with the DEMS”
There’s not enough time in the WORLD, to START to explain THAT one! :-/
Out of the Ball park when he looked up to the dome.
Did I hear the democraps chanting “USSR?”
Or was that, “Kenya!”
The living monument to the American people
Wow! He invited all those heroes and the democrats invited illegal aliens.
“it belongs to them” …. to the People! …. BANG!!!
Did you notice that Luis Gutierrez get up gone
“This city, this capitol, belongs entirely to them.”
(shame on you dirty dog Democrats for sitting on your butts our monument in a show of disrespect for Americans)
The United States of America – greatest nation on Earth. USA, USA, USA! Absolutely!!!
We are Americans!
Thank you, President Trump for being a humble servant.
Trump talks of the American People
the dems talk about themselves
That last part was worth everything we went through these last few years. God bless President Trump. God bless America.
Bases Loaded Home Run.
Seriously, how can you hate the man. I mean…come on!
Damn leftists are a bunch of fakers and haters.
Did you see the democraps scatter like cockroaches at the end of the speech?
Best damn speech he has ever given.
Well done.
I NEVER thought I’d live to see another President, the stature of Ronald Reagan.
It’s early, but Trump IS getting there.
whoopsie – shining not sining. unless we are talking about the previous administration.
Does animals living that isn’t the way . First trump and the guest and the military etc but the DEMS gone gone gone.
Wouldn’t want to cross POTUS protection detail with the killer eyes.
And now, the peanut gallery of clueless, evil media zombies start their attacks.
Well what do you all think is he a keeper?
On air pundits are insufferable. I started on NBC. Ultra-Lib Brokaw is way past his expiration date. What an ass.
Shep Smith sucks as well.
Luis Gutierrez just saw his future die
Wow, the Korean guy holding up the crutches. Beautiful!
Whew! So satisfying I need a cigarette now. And I never smoked ever.
The stronger our country gets, the madder the Dems get.
Homerun, touchdown and GOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!
I want to hear the Mad Max Waters rebuttal. What channel is BET on for Directv?
Absolutely hit it out of the park. Can we clone him?
Hey Juan Williams – elections have consequences.
I wonder at what point Crooked Hillary passed out watching this?
Luis Gutierrez‘s jump the shark moment: runs out like a rat when cheers start for the country he hates, the USA
Grand Slam! Now the Dems will try to counter.
What are they for? Poverty, terrorism, open borders, stagnant economy, etc? They are done.
Excellent loved the speech . Not the DACA stuff but I know trump is getting the DEMS to hang with a big rope.
Juan Williams – that was a F U democrats speech
hey Whine Williams, how many ‘olive branches’ did O’Barky ever present to the repubs?
“Get over it. I won”
No – me, me, me, I, I, I, a a a a a a a I, m m m m m me
@Dan Ryan Galt
Demons don’t pass out. They growl, then turn their head 180 degrees, and screech “Your mother sucks … hell.
10:37 pm you so right I noticed that I will love that traitor to get out of the USA.
Thank you, President Trump. I cannot believe how much you’ve accomplished in a year. I was afraid our best days were behind us.
O/T my grandson couldn’t pronounce “grandma” when he was tiny. He called me Maga. So when MAGA started showing up everywhere, I took it as a good omen.

Holy Crap, Dana Purina Dog Chow is about ready to pass out with approval.
Joe Kennedy needs a bottle of water.
Thread for the rebuttal??
(Trump) “If you love America, please give a round of applause.”
Camera pans to democrats who just sit there.
Conan O’Brien is doing the rebuttal? ???
Joe Kennedy looks like he needs a bottle of water.
Screw Kennedy. I want to hear HRH Maxine Waters, the Queen of Ignorance.
I don’t have cable so the BET is out.
Is Kennedy drooling?
Or is that Richie Cunningham?
Oh, we are racist. Didn’t see that coming. Who knew the DOJ was taking away people’s rights.
@Fur ~ thanks for hosting … always a good time live w/ the IoTW folks
The Kennedy grandson is taking shit immigrants shit is family are all cowards and is family make is millions by selling is sons.
Oh, I’m sure she is capable of all of that and more Mortgage!
I haven’t felt this good since I stayed up until 3:30AM on election night to make sure Mr trump won!
Beavis or Butthead?
Young Kennedy should review JFK’s platform. He’d shit.
Amen and applause. Happy dance. Now switching over to MSNBC for comic relief. My bet is on the memo to be released shortly before the morning shows go live tomorrow.
This idiot Kennedy is talking shit is uncle kill that woman .
He looks lubed
This response is non-responsive.
it’s a speech for a different POTUS’s SOTU.
Is this all these morons have? Call us racist.
They are finished.
So asshole. Most people”s taxes went down. Oh, you care about coal miners? Bull Shit!
Oh, we are going to beat up gays too! LOL!
Just what in country needs, another Kennedy! This little trust fund puke is exactly what he’s accusing Trump of being. What job has a Kennedy ever held?
for those that are watching the demonRat ‘rebuttal’ …. I’ll save you some time …
“Racist”, “Homophobic”, Islamophobic” …. basket of Deplorables
… like a broken record
you’re welcome
Oh my lanta. He’s DRUNK! Why… is Kennedy…. talking. like. Captain Kirk. With marbles in… his mouth?
Conan is clueless, is that lip gloss or sweat?
Does this guy suck or what ?
Must of been at the bar and missed the speech.
Did you catch before he began speaking when he lifted the glass with what looked like Diet Coke up and winked at someone in the audience? He sure knows how to play them.
That was a very incisive, emotionally inspiring speech.
That sound we all heard was that of the democrats shitting their pants.
Epic speech. Very Reaganesque.
“Why… is Kennedy…. talking. like. Captain Kirk. With marbles in… his mouth?”
Each generation gets dumber. Want to go skiing? Time to thin the herd.
Best SOTU address since 1987, in my humble opinion.
Demonrats just proved they don’t want people of color to be employed and productive.
Right on cue. He goes spanish. lolol. Cuervo!
Is that a 1969 Oldsmobile behind him?
He’s fighting and choosing…
Roads and bridges (put down the Obama speech reference guide)
-has he said folks yet?
The TV on/off has been pushed. No time for this tripe.
Sounds like someone found Teddy’s secret stash. Go home little boy….
LOL – Captain Kirk would make a better rebuttal.
Never trust a Kennedy and never trust a guy with Vaseline on his mouth …
It feels wonderful to have a real President again.
Thank You Mr.Trump
@Pinko LOL! That’s a perfect description!!!
It’s an olds Delmar
The story of the Kennedy is a disgrace. This man is exactly like all is disgusting family. He need to shut up is trash ass He is really me mad I can’t take this fake ass Kennedy.
I never want to hear one negative comment about Trump here ever again after that speech.( Not that I could do anything about it)
That was a barn burner, make no mistake about it he is on point and more winning is on the way.
Next up the “Memo” and more winning.
Most people heard Trump’s speech, and Joe Kennedy is trying to immediately follow that. But you have to be completely ignorant if you fail to recognize that Kennedy hasn’t addressed one point Trump made.
Wait, Trumps beating up Trans-genders and people are dying? He’s making an ass out of himself. Maxi Pad might have done a better job.
Ash bin of history for your generation, tear down the wall my ass!
I hear slurred speech.
He could only string 2-3 words together at a time.
“Live long…. and…. prosper.”
Where’s Auntie Maxine! RAYCISSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
How the SOB different the criminals illegal aliens.
Sorry, but Kennedy took too long to say too little.
Next, Joe Kennedy III reads, “Rocket Man,” after this commercial break.
Mr Pinko: Not Richie Cunningham; that’s Richie Rich.
MJA she is on BET .
Who the hell want’s to listen to Curly Locks? He speaks in spurts and makes no sense. Great speech Mr. President. God Bless you, your family, your cabinet, and America.
I think the car with the hood up in the background was a great analogy for the democrat party.
Jennifer Granholm just said kennedy’s speech was inclusive and Trump’s wasn’t. is she drunk?
MJA she saying impeach 45 impeach 45 at BET program with the Gorillas.

Diogenes– lolol. Engine’s blown. And so is Bill Clinton.
Wait, she’s right. Trump didn’t include MS13 and illegals.
From Mark Levin on Facebook: That was a Reaganesque speech.

It was obvious that the camera-men were instructed to minimize what
the viewers could see of the Dems sitting, scowling.
The quote to remember: “Americans are dreamers, too.”
Any of y’all notice that Juanita Williams and VP Pence are wearing the same tie? That’s about the only thing they have in common.
He’s a Kennedy. Shouldn’t he be raping a woman or drowning one, or beating one to death with a golf club?
My wife just pointed out to me that during Trumps address she never heard the one letter word, “I”. Not once.
The donkeys certainly showed what asses they are!
As an ex-submariner, I haven’t felt this way about a President since Reagan. Do you know what I mean? It comes down to this: would you volunteer to go to war with this President as Commander-in-Chief?
Damn straight I would. Even at my age. He has more common sense and a purer heart than all the presidents since Reagan – combined.
Here is the full video – skip to 31:000
Brad, yes it was “we”…everytime. Good speechwriting!
Damn I feel like America is back.
Brad, If they want to sit and not be part of the “we” that we graciously invited them into then fine. Go sit in your corner for 7 more years, at least. We are going to enjoy this prosperity.
what Trump did tonight was ‘normalize’ himself to the American people … without the running vitriolic commentary from the socialtards
yes, they’ll try to spin it … but who are you going to believe? socialtards? … or your lying ears & eyes?
Vince Haley along with Ross Worthington wrote the speech.
Someone else probably already said it, but 400 comments is a lot to go thru, “Americans are dreamers too”, is a great line!
Mr. Pinko, a Thursdy night show of US&eh this week? (Fingers crossed).
“Mr. Pinko, a Thursdy night show of US&eh this week? (Fingers crossed).”
Thursday night’s show we have scheduled an interview with an illegal immigrant woman.
Tonight, as I did on election night, I will sleep the sleep of the saved and contented, and awaken with a sense of gratitude that the good Lord gave this nation another day.
“Joe Kennedy needs a bottle of water.”
Ohhh… I think he’s had ENOUGH of, ‘the BOTTLE.’
US & Eh show is a great combination of Mr. Pinko’s raw take and Mike’s celebrate take on politics and current events today. Plus they are classy guys! Give it a listen this Thursday night at 8pm EST!
I watched the speech with my oldest and youngest Manderins. PRESIDENT Trump just delivered body blow after body blow after body on the dems (Didn’t you love it when he would gesture to them to stand whenever he said something that THEY claim to support? LOL!) and the final kill shot was highlighting the North Korean with those crutches held high in victory. The place came unglued! PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump. That speech was GENIUS. #MAGAWOOD
All the Kennedys look like Howdy Doody love children. Especially this one who’s not making any sense, just like a drunk girl.
#400 comment. Just had to… Making America Great Again at IOTWReport!