Stupid tweet-

Spin after backlash-

Total destruction-

The tweet was idiotic on its face. Put busting his assholish backpedal aside, more minorities are aborted than whites. PP was founded by white supremacists.
Stupid tweet-
Spin after backlash-
Total destruction-
The tweet was idiotic on its face. Put busting his assholish backpedal aside, more minorities are aborted than whites. PP was founded by white supremacists.
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Lawrence Tribe also secretly calls on Anthony Scaramucci for economic advice.
Tarheel Mama squashed him like a bug, bless his heart.
he used the term ‘White Supremacist’s oppose abortion’ which implies all White Supremacists oppose abortion
like saying ‘Blacks are for abortion because a majority of Black babies are aborted’
… learn to write , Lawrence… after all you’re a Harvard Man, for God’s sake!
btw, you knew exactly what you wanted to write, didn’t you Larry? … you just got called out on your own prejudices & couldn’t handle the exposure
SMARTEST man in the room!
Just ask HIM! 🙄
The great scholar tribe is like constitutionalnlaw professor obama and world’s smartesr woman hillary clintom, and journalist jim acosta and top cop comey: all frauds, all corrupt, all selling our country to the highest bidder.
Margaret Sanger.
Rick. There you go. Start the conversation:
“Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated.”
Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood)
“I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision…”
Hillary Clinton (First Lady, Sec. of State.)
Deep thinker that Lawrence Tribe.
Now explain the meaning of more black babies aborted in NYC than were born. Because every time this fact is cited, crickets.
Are there self-hating black people Larry? We certainly know of at least one self-hating white man Larry.
Tribe is a lying piece of shit.
TDS has become an epidemic.
Progressives are so incredibly stupid. Especially when they think they are being profound and stuff. I imagine it comes from all that post-modernist relativism. No, really. Think about how screwed up all your arguments are if you twist your mind into knots in order to accommodate that worldview. It makes me think of those unfinished freeway overpasses and roads to nowhere.
“Tribe”, huh? Sounds like Native American cultural appropriation to me. We should have Senator Elizabeth Warren investigate this immediately!
Oh, wait —
Tribe – Harvard educated imbecile. A farm-hand with a HS diploma (or less) who is anti-abortion and pro-life is of greater value than Tribe, by far.