Spartacus Booker on American Dream: United States Is Not ‘Top Country’ to Be Born Today – IOTW Report

Spartacus Booker on American Dream: United States Is Not ‘Top Country’ to Be Born Today

Then why are there long lines to come to the US the proper way, and why are illegals breaking in?
Shut up. Idiot.


WFB: Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.) questioned the veracity of the American Dream on Tuesday, saying the United States is not necessarily “the top country” to be born today.

Booker appeared on the “Pitchfork Economics” podcast with co-hosts Nick Hanauer and David Goldstein to discuss multiple issues, including the economy and poverty rates.

The senator contrasted the conditions in America today with those in the 1930s, a time known as “the Great Depression,” when his father was born.

“Even if you were a black guy like my dad and you were going to pick a country to be born in, the United States would be at the top of your list because we were expanding middle class at a rate that was creating opportunity,” Booker said.

Booker, who announced earlier this month he was running for president, went on to say that for those born on planet Earth today, the United States is not necessarily the best place to live because of one’s ability to get out of poverty.  more

29 Comments on Spartacus Booker on American Dream: United States Is Not ‘Top Country’ to Be Born Today

  1. When I think of what party is most advantageous to the middle class and helping people escape poverty, the Democrat party isn’t even on the list. In fact, I would be hard pressed to think of a more anti-middle class bunch than Democrats.

    The Democrats don’t want people to migrate up into the middle class – they want to make everyone poor. They want to dry up the supply of entry level jobs by mandating a $15 per hour minimum wage. They want to suppress wages by encouraging illegal immigration. They want to increase the cost of doing business, and thus the price of everything, through excessive regulation. And don’t get me started on this Green New Deal, which is a comprehensive “fuck you” to all Americans.

  2. When Booker gets called out for this, he’ll just blame it on T-Bone.

    Wyatt is very astute in his analogy, The Dems couldn’t survive without their victim class. Thank LBJ for the inception of it.

  3. Jim Jordan gave me an “ah ha!” moment when he told the Democrat members of the (whichever Oversight) committee he was in the other day (it was one of their regular business meetings). Instead of taking up the business of mark-up on a bill the D’s were hot to get through congress, they pushed up their discussion of Trump impeachment and issuing subpoenas.

    Jordan cut straight to the chase and instead of asking a bunch of questions to get at why the D’s on that committee were champing at the bit over impeachment, he pointed out why in very clear terms. And I think this is a much better tack to take with the D’s. Instead of arguing against Booker’s claims (which we all know are false, including Booker himself), it should simply be pointed out that besides being false, Booker is motivated by pandering to a minority group of radical Democrats who are fear-mongering and continuing a class war by using a non-existent race war in order to preserve his power.

  4. Spartacus could encourage those unemployed, who prefer poverty on the government dole, to get a job and work hard to better themselves.
    Instead he and the DNC want a captive voter base to continue their path to socialism.

  5. …I’ve heard it wisely said that there are two lines at every United States Embassy throughout the world. There’s a long line at the front door of people wanting to protest and burn it down, and a much LONGER line at the back door of people trying to get visas to come here…

  6. LCD: Could have been Sparatokos, which is a common Thracian name. At this date, it’s always going to be Spartacus, because Dalton Trumbo made it so when he adapted another communist’s novel by that same name. Howard Fast began writing Spartacus while he was in prison for Contempt of Congress for refusing to name the names of contributors to a communist front group. None of this matters to Booker’s functionally illiterate supporters who probably never even saw the movie. He’s bound for another public crucifixion in any event.

  7. LCD: Gawd I’m clueless. But Moscow on the Hudson’s favorite Senator is certainly a SparRATacus. I’m thrilled by the content of the character of the Band of Bumblers that are lining up to challenge Trump. Hopefully, one of them will catch the nomination, but my personal favorite is Bernie Sanders.


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