Speaking of Songs Being an Endorsement – Does Steve Lawrence Condone This Gross Commercial? – IOTW Report

Speaking of Songs Being an Endorsement – Does Steve Lawrence Condone This Gross Commercial?

Bad Brad sent this in.

Dollar Shave Club thinks this is a commercial that’ll get me to join?

When I got to the snot rockets I quietly said I would never buy their product.

46 Comments on Speaking of Songs Being an Endorsement – Does Steve Lawrence Condone This Gross Commercial?

  1. They’ve reduced this mess down to 60 seconds and I’ve seen it run on several smaller cable channels. Complete with Snot Rockets. Interesting market they’ve decided to target.

  2. I made it to 1:30 but only because I didn’t know what snot rockets were and was waiting to see since Fur mentioned them but I would’ve bailed at 18 sec otherwise.

    I really wish we could wake up tomorrow and be in the 1970s again when the country and the culture and the vast majority of its people were normal.

  3. That it is a ‘Club’ puts me off instantly. I’m not a joiner by nature. I barely shave at all and certainly not my naughty bits.

    Does this club hold meetings and mixers, Brad?
    Are they BYOB? (Blade Your Own Balls)

  4. I can’t help about the shape I’m in
    I can’t sing, I ain’t pretty and my legs are thin
    But don’t ask me what I think of you
    I might not give the answer that you want me to

  5. Ok, I watched till the end. It’s like a train wreck, rubber necking to see the sick stuff.

    It was actually more satisfying than that David Bowie movie about the alien.

    Yeah, I have a twisted sense of humor…

  6. very interesting observation, blast from the past. Since I don’t take drugs, when I want an infusion of normalcy I watch johnny carson or dick cavett interviews or roasts with dean martin or old movies.

    >”In the ’60s people took acid to make the world seem weird.
    Now, the world IS weird, and people take Prozac to make the world seem normal.”

  7. I honestly didn’t have a huge issue with it until it showed the two dudes relaxing in a couples tub together. That’s when I thought, “ah, so it IS propaganda after all.”

  8. I have a $8 Gillette Fusion razor. A pack of 6 cartridges is about $10, and each cartridge lasts me about 3-4 months.
    How is this dollar shave club a bargain?
    PS – I highly recommend the Fusion.

  9. I get paid for videos of me shaving my legs….some broad named Stormy….I give her the Hurricane treatment with edge gel followed by old spice…I am more aerodynamic…

  10. @geoff the aardvark: Those Prep H commercials were entertaining. I always laughed at the one where the guy was on a stationary bike talking about his hemmies and how so much better he felt after using Prep H. And the guy standing there with his hands apart and brings them together and says “Prep H shrinks swollen hemorrhoids.” I had this image in my mind of a real biggie!



  11. My youngest, who’s 27, just told me they run much worse on MTV. Apparently there’s two guys hugging in bed after the dirty deed, and I do mean dirty, and the bitch is cussing his cowboy out for not wearing a condom. I think I’m done with TV.

  12. It obviously was visual hyperbole for humor’s sake. It made me laugh.

    If you care to remember sick, think about the Summer’s Eve commercials of a few decades ago. The women seemed to be “feminine” lesbos selling product for their privates. I cringed when the commercials aired when my kids were watching family oriented sitcoms with us. I about stood on my head to distract them, especially the boys.

  13. Bad Brad
    I KNOW that commercial!
    I saw it on espn in the middle of the day, my 18 year old younger brother looked so nauseous and said that he wasn’t going to watch espn anymore.


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