Sponsored By Pfizer – IOTW Report

Sponsored By Pfizer

An eyebrow raising compilation of the networks taking Pfizer’s ad money. Watch

10 Comments on Sponsored By Pfizer

  1. The CDC just recently reduced your “alone time’ from 15 to ten days. Today they reduced it to 5 days. Why, because the very mild Omni shit only lasts three. And renders you immune from the bad shit. So much for trying to lock yo ass down during the mid terms.

  2. I haven’t watched it yet, but you turn on the radio and you hear Pfizer ads. I’ve been watching old tv series on the ROKU channel and they have two of the dumbest Pfizer ads, both with the same Asian guy that says you may have heard, but what does the science say. One is about it magnetizing your body and him trying to make his keys come to him. The other is about waiting on the pill form so not taking the shot, but there won’t be a pill and he doesn’t want his dog having to hide his pill in his food.
    Not really sure how either of those would make anyone get the jab, also both avoiding the science that says the shots don’t work and the shots have killed and injured. I kind of doubt anyone who refuses the death jab is doing so because they want a pill form or think they’ll become a magnet.

    What it does do every time I hear or see their idiotic commercials is piss me off that taxpayer money is ultimately funding these ads and that they’re allowed to advertise.

  3. I foresee a staged mass casualty event before November. The Dems will declare marshal law and there won’t be “any” more elections.
    Newsom still in office, RINO in Virginia, dominion still in play.

  4. “There is absolutely NO evidence of widespread deceit by Big Pharma, Governments worldwide, purported “Public Health” organizations, etc., etc.”

  5. Anyone who has watched tv for any amount of time knows big pharma buys most of the ad time. Have for years trying to sell sickness.
    They also contribute tons to politicians.
    As a result they control the narrative.

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