Springsteen can suck a… – IOTW Report

Springsteen can suck a…

ht/ jerry manderin

26 Comments on Springsteen can suck a…

  1. When a guy wears an earring in his right ear it means he’s gay Bruthy.
    NJ douche nozzle pretends to live in a run down house and park his Jeep in a garage that looks like it’s about to fall in.
    Ya. I’ll buy it. *snicker*

  2. Didn’t Bruthy play shenanigans with his expensive luxury properties, trying to claim they are farmland, in order to avoid taxes?
    I bet he flies in private jets all the time.
    What a liberal douchebag pretender.

  3. Driving a jeep with no top in the middle of winter? Sure…I trust his judgement.
    I bet they had to teach him how to drive a stick shift just prior to the video shoot.

  4. I like a lot of his stuff. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile. He seems like one miserable son of a bitch. Probably why his a Libtard. They’re all miserable and tortured. And damn it, you should be too. It’s only fair.

  5. Bruce Springsteen is a fraud & cheat.
    A wll street, hedge fund & tax cut loving fraudster who hasn’t been relevant in 25 years. He cheated on his first wife Julianne Phillips, with his backup singer who latter became his second wife Patti Scialfa.

    Cheater, McCheater, Cheat. Cheat.
    Once a Cheat always a Cheat

  6. Jeep is off my list. Springsteen was never on it. I have had to stop listening to a lot of artists and bands over the past few years because they came out as radical leftist butt plugs. It gets old.

  7. It looks like Brucey got a large dose of Cancel Culture thrown at him. It sure seems valid. That commercial was a dud and it was pure bullshit. I saw right through it and left the Super Bowl right after it aired. I may leave watching NFL games behind, also. The left’s WOKE culture is bad for my health.

  8. I reflexively commented before I saw the ‘parody’, on account of my disgust for that vile hypocrit from New Jersey (not the Heartland).

    But that video was damn good!

  9. Over rated…and Born in the USA was one of thee worst pop songs in all of Rock History…

    NEVER got into him… when I had REM Reckoning and U2′ Unforgettable Fire to listen to instead?? That same year…and Joe Jackson same time period…is waay better than…Brucey…

    C’MON MAN!


  10. I consider “Born in the USA”, and Manfred Mann’s “Blinded by the Light” to be the absolute worst rock & roll songs of all time because they are both repetitive. Springsteen with the lyrics, and Mann with that sick organ music.


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