St. Louis Post-Dispatch Takes Parting Shots From Former Columnist – IOTW Report

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Takes Parting Shots From Former Columnist

The only surviving traditional newspaper in St. Louis, The Post-Dispatch, suspended columnist Stacy Washington after she penned a defense of the NRA in response to an anti-NRA article. The paper declared they suspended Washington for the conflict of interest that derived from her involvement with the NRA, thought she never took a dime from the organization.

Ms. Washington not only fired back at the Post-Dispatch on Twitter, but also commented on her suspension and her resignation from the legacy paper in the uber liberal “Riverfront Times.”


You can watch Ms. Washington this Sunday on Fox and Friends Weekend at 6:00AM Eastern.

Stacy Washington’s Twitter account Here

7 Comments on St. Louis Post-Dispatch Takes Parting Shots From Former Columnist

  1. Robberson added: “Columnists are expected to fully disclose conflicts of interest when writing about topics where such a conflict might arise. We apply this standard regardless of the lobbying or advocacy group being written about in a column.”

    HAHAHA!! Nearly choked on my diet coke for a minute there! Only conservative columnists. Democrat “journalists” can donate thousands of dollars to PACs and are still allowed to cover them as if they were totally uninvolved observers.

  2. I’m a proud NRA member and supporter. I just want to ask you guys if you know of any NRA member who was accused of or convicted of armed robbery, assault with a weapon, or murder/homicide with a weapon?? I’m sure if there was it would be all over the MSM.

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