St. Louis Seeks Input on How to Spend the NFL’s Money – IOTW Report

St. Louis Seeks Input on How to Spend the NFL’s Money

Two years ago, Saint Louis settled a billion-dollar case against the NFL for a reported $790 million. Here

The city is still trying to figure out how to spend its share of the money. Here

The story of how the gateway city received its parting gift for the Rams is an interesting study in greed and broken assurances. Watch

11 Comments on St. Louis Seeks Input on How to Spend the NFL’s Money

  1. Use the money to turn their old stadium into a church.

    They are used to kneeling in there anyway, so it may as well be to the only One who is WORTHY of it.

    And if there’s one thing St. Louis definitely doesn’t have NEARLY enough of, it’s God…


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