Stacy Abrams Gives New Meaning To “Where No Man Has Gone Before” – IOTW Report

Stacy Abrams Gives New Meaning To “Where No Man Has Gone Before”


Hollywood has put its wishful thinking on full display by casting Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) in a cameo role as the president of Earth in the season four finale of Star Trek: Discovery on Paramount+.

Stacey Abrams appears in the episode’s climactic scene as the president of United Earth, the borderless government that rules over the entire planet. In the episode, she declares Earth as part of the interplanetary Federation. More

40 Comments on Stacy Abrams Gives New Meaning To “Where No Man Has Gone Before”

  1. No Doctor McCoy you White Cracker Honkie Jackass!
    We brought them From the Past, into the Future, Because Sulu needed Organic Whale Blubber Ass Lube and Whale Steaks.

  2. “Where No Man Has Gone Before”

    …do you think she’s a virgin?

    Because I don’t know if there’s enough alcohol in the world for a man to probe THAT black hole…

  3. Tony R MARCH 18, 2022 AT 5:37 PM
    “Are you telling me, in the distant Star Trek future, they haven’t discovered a cure for morbid obesity?”

    They did, which makes THIS worse.

    It’s a deliberate CHOICE.

  4. Do they show a scene of her space ship listing to one side due to her “gravitational pull”?
    change xxxxx to https

  5. No, the United Earth will have a King, who will reign for a thousand years (I read the Book); not a president, regardless which federally recognized victims group(s) they belong to.

  6. Man, Lot of us are Sci-Fi Nerds too, eh?
    Except with Guns, booze, knives, Pickup Trucks, & Red Meat.
    Plus we can change a tire.
    (Quite sad that that is a rare skill now days)


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