Star Wars Fanatics Need to “Get a Life” – IOTW Report

Star Wars Fanatics Need to “Get a Life”

Katherine Timpf had the audacity recently to observe that there are a lot more important things in life than “Star Wars” movies.  Death threats were soon rained down upon her on social media.


She refused to back down and has instead related the insanity in a recent column in National Review.


Personally, the ewoks soured it for me, but the prequels put me off of ever watching another Star Wars movie.

8 Comments on Star Wars Fanatics Need to “Get a Life”

  1. Personally, the ewoks soured it for me, but the prequels put me off of ever watching another Star Wars movie.

    I agree with Dr. Tar. However, there is a strong feeling among Star Wars fans that this movie will make up for all the suckage in the episodes that came after The Empire Strikes Back. No Ewoks. No Gungans. None of the cheap “let’s sell more toys” gimmicks. That’s what has fans so hyped.

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