State Department refuses to investigate Hillary Clinton email delay – IOTW Report

State Department refuses to investigate Hillary Clinton email delay

hillary sneaky

WT: The State Department is so tardy on former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s emails that it still hasn’t sent all of them out for security and privacy reviews by other agencies, the Obama administration admitted late Thursday, just hours before it is supposed to release all of them to the public.

The department has begged a federal court for a one-month extension on that deadline, which would push the final release until the last day in February, or well after the voting has already begun in the Democratic presidential primary.

Though they’ve been working on the emails for more than a year, State Department officials said they only realized three weeks ago that they still had thousands of emails marked for review by other agencies — but had forgotten to send them out.  more

11 Comments on State Department refuses to investigate Hillary Clinton email delay

  1. they’ve been working on the emails for more than a year”…”only realized three weeks ago”…”still had thousands”…”had forgotten to send them””…

    Just more proof that the bigger the government gets, the less competent it becomes.

  2. I think we are about to see exactly where the line is on this Judge’s patience. The Administration and State have done everything they can to delay this until after the Primary, and Judge Contreras has had none of it.

    This could get very colorful, very quickly if the Judge decides to throw a few books at the attorneys trying to sell this nonsense in his courtroom. The only reason State has released anything is because of this one Judge; he’s been the hero in this to date and I don’t expect he’s going to lower his standards one whit.


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