Stein won’t appeal machine recount; GOP files complaint – IOTW Report

Stein won’t appeal machine recount; GOP files complaint


JSOnline: Madison — Green Party candidate Jill Stein will not appeal a judge’s rejection of her lawsuit to force a hand recount of nearly 3 million presidential ballots in Wisconsin, clearing the way for machines to be used in the statewide effort beginning Thursday.

Also Wednesday, Stein filed another recount petition in Michigan and the Republican Party of Wisconsin filed a federal elections complaint against both Stein and Democrat Hillary Clinton. The complaint alleges that Stein — who received only a small share of the vote — is improperly fundraising to pay for a recount that primarily benefits Clinton, the second-place finisher behind GOP President-elect Donald Trump.

The fundraising amounts to improper coordination between the two campaigns, the complaint to the Federal Elections Commission alleges.  more here

7 Comments on Stein won’t appeal machine recount; GOP files complaint

  1. The Federal and State’s Election Commissions are at best a paper tiger. The commissions are filled with partisan political hacks who avoid controversy, while they protect other partisan political hacks.

  2. Jill wants to waste as little of that money as possible on the recount “effort.” The less she wastes on the recount, the more she retains for her ‘election integrity beach house’ fund.

    She scammed her pet idiots out of millions. She waited until they were at their most emotionally fragile point, and mercilessly scammed them.

    I *almost* feel sorry for them.

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