Stelter Asks His Guest: “Was that stupid on my part?” – IOTW Report

Stelter Asks His Guest: “Was that stupid on my part?”

News Busters

Well, it may have taken a while, but CNN host Brian Stelter finally admitted that praising lawyer Michael Avenatti (A.K.A creepy porn lawyer) as a “serious” contender for 2020 wasn’t a smart move. The admission came during the latest Reliable Sources as he was speaking with writers form the left-wing Daily Beast, Lachlan Markey and Asawin Suebsaeng about their new book about how the DC swamp infested President Trump’s administration.

“So, give me a media critique. Was that stupid on my part? What do you make of how Avenatti was covered by CNN and MSNBC,” Stelter asked his guests. More

14 Comments on Stelter Asks His Guest: “Was that stupid on my part?”

  1. Yes.

    I didn’t even read the article.

    Everything you’ve EVER done in your ENTIRE LIFE was stupid on your part.

    So yes, it WAS.

    Extend to however long you are allowed to continue to live, and leave US alone.

  2. Well Brian you claim you have reliable sources so how stupid does it look when you prop up a sleaze bag anyone that spent 10 minutes researching would know had major character flaws and imminent legal woes. I will give it to Avenatti he pretty much assured Kavanaugh’s confirmation with that absolutely ridiculous sex train lunatic.

  3. If you have to ask….

    Brian was not only dropped on his head as a child. His dad was kicked squarely in the balls before he was conceived.

    There are adults who were crack babies or fetal alcohol syndrome babies that have a better understanding of the world around them. Brian has only one “clue” and sadly the one and only “clue” has is wrong which is ‘orange man bad’.

    Brian- you are on the same network as Don Lemon. Wake up and save what is left of your soul if you have any soul left.

  4. You are nothing but a dim witted miniature stooge who repeats as he’s directed. Your entire organization is populated with losers equally as dense and it attracts a small segment of society that only morons like you can relate to.


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