Winter Storm Warnings for Much of the Country (and Our Snowplow Driver Has Already Quit) – IOTW Report

Winter Storm Warnings for Much of the Country (and Our Snowplow Driver Has Already Quit)

Fox Weather

There’s something magical about waking up on Christmas morning and there’s snow on the ground. And chances are increasing that millions of people will experience a white Christmas this year.

This year, a far-reaching, highly impactful winter storm system will affect millions of Americans across the country starting on Wednesday, with peak impacts expected from Thursday through early Saturday (Christmas Eve).

As the winter storm continues its trek across the nation, it’s very likely that the northern Plains and Upper Midwest and Great Lakes area will see a white Christmas with all the snow left behind. Some areas may see 1-2 feet of snow in the days leading up to the holiday. Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee and the Dakotas look very likely to see a white Christmas. More

On a personal note, in NW Wisconsin we received 12-18 inches of heavy snow last Thursday that downed trees and power lines across the region. We we’re restored to the grid on Saturday, in time for the snowplow contractor to inform us this was the last time he’d be clearing our driveway and we’ll have to secure services from someone else. We received another 3-4 inches overnight and are expecting at least 6 more by Friday, not to mention subzero temps for the foreseeable future – damn you climate change. – Dr. Tar

25 Comments on Winter Storm Warnings for Much of the Country (and Our Snowplow Driver Has Already Quit)

  1. Three years ago, I picked up an older Wrangler Jeep with a 6′ Western plow on it. I do the maintenance on the plow and jeep in the summer and it’s ready to roll in winter.
    Helping the neighbors when there is a big drop of snow is an easy good will effort that goes a long way. These small 2-door Jeeps are real plow mules when you put them in 4WD. I grin the whole time.

  2. I would like to publicly Thank the guy and his son that helped me out of a snow stuck position. It cost him a couple of feet of a quality tow rope when the knot end had to be cut off.

    He wouldn’t take any payment or reimbursement for the line.

    Great people and I was blessed they were there and it was just down the road from a great music joint with real home cooking.

    No kidding.

  3. I move gas on interstate pipelines. This weekend has the potential to be interesting. I truly hope not.

    Make my Christmas weekend uneventful, turn off your heat. Tell all your friends to turn off their heat. If it saves one call-out, isn’t it worth it?

  4. Over the years I’ve owned 7 Jeeps, retired now and I just keep 2 lawn tractors with snow blades on both and 2 snow blowers. The Wheel Horse has a grader blade and 6 speeds, it does great in the snow. I don’t mind snow, upstate NY, but I don’t like to be in a rush to push/blow it out of the driveway. The old back doesn’t like shovels at all. Still waiting on global warming to show up.

  5. It got really cold here in Sarasota County a few days ago. I had to put on actual shoes. Yesterday it was so cold I had to put on socks as well. I just hope I don’t have to break out the long-sleeve T-shirts.

  6. It looks like the two weather fronts are going to create havoc just north of me. I’m expecting just rain on Thursday and then the cold shows up on Friday.
    I don’t mind the snow as long as I don’t have to drive in it. I hate sleet and freezing rain.
    Snow and ice on the roads brings out what I call the “Two M’s” – morons and maniacs. You know what I mean…

  7. The operative phrase is, “It could be worse.”

    Have a friend struggling with Alzheimers who lives in the boonies south of Hayward WI. So the no power thing pretty much had him totally at wits end. Thank God two of his neighbors pitched in and got his wood stove going and showed him to do it. Still, he needs to be in an assisted living facility. the neighbors are too far away and no other fiends or relatives. Simple conversation has now become very difficult and I could go on… He’s in deep shit and can’t find a rock to stand on.

  8. Snow is a four-letter word. We got another 3-6 inches of fresh snow overnight in the Spokane area and it’s going to be colder than hell and is expected to be just below zero by tomorrow and Thursday mornings. But by Christmas on Sunday, we’ll be up around 35 and 40 on the 26th. Woo hoo, we’re having a heat wave. The thing that torks me off is when the city plowed me in last weekend with a large berm when the plow came thru. Fortunately, my AWD Subaru was able to get thru it, but they could’ve done a better job of plowing. And if anyone is going to the West side of the state towards Seattle you ain’t going to get there anytime soon since both Snoqualmie and Stevens passes are closed because of heavy snow and bad weather.

  9. We had 4-6 inches a few weeks ago. New snow plow driver backed into the garage door and now we need to replace the door. $3,000+. He is going to make a claim to his auto insurance so I don’t have to make a claim to my homeowners insurance with a $1,000 deductible.

    Poor man was upset, but I couldn’t let that keep me from doing what I had to do (I just hate having to do the man stuff like this. [Sorry, feminists. Just shut up] My roommate and sister won’t do it, so I have to be the adult.). Told him that he could continue to plow our snow (as long as he doesn’t crash into anything else) for free for the rest of the winter. That will take care of the interim repairs to keep the door operating (poorly) until our Door Doctor could install a new one after the first of the year.

    Starting Thursday, we expect 12-14 inches in two days (lake effect from Lake Michigan). I sure hope he doesn’t crash into our cars parked outside (only have a two-car garage for three of us. My sister has a car she is going to sell in the spring, so that’s why there are two outside).


    Merry Christmas, everyone! 😉

  10. We’ve been under some sort of winter weather advisory since Saturday. Got about 6” of snow today and it’s going to get cold (for the greater Seattle area, under 20 degrees is coooold). Ice/sleet and snow tomorrow.

    Counties don’t have enough plows/sand. We maybe get one big snow all winter. This is the second one so far.

    We have a steep driveway and live on a hill. We ain’t going anywhere and the Amazon guy and mailman won’t either- only if they drive snowmobiles or Jeeps!

  11. Forecast is 3″-6″ starting tomorrow through Thursday. Forecasted high of -6 on Thursday and wind chill (when did we start calling it “feels like”, who was offended about the term wind chill) of -30 to – 40.

    Enjoy you environs Uncle Ale and Clyde.

    All the rest, be safe. Merry Christmas to all of you here. I hope you all are able to wnjoy time with family and friends.

  12. Hunter must live in my part of America. We have the exact same forecast only we’re gonna have 50 mile an hour winds after the snow. Should be some epic drifting……..All the little towns are shutting down by Thursday morning and that means we’re gonna get a trace to an inch…..LOL…

  13. @ willysgoatgruff

    Paint a stripe down the center of the country, draw a horizontal line through the middle of it, and I’m about 200 miles north of that.

    Also, a couple of years ago, we had the guy from the weather channel that goes to where all the big storms are come out for an epic blizzard, and he was broadcasting himself getting ready for it.

    We didn’t even get measurable snow! LOL!

  14. SLC, Ut
    Snow expected tomorrow (Wed), followed by a cold front (high of only 20 deg) (Th), with more snow on Friday, and about every other day after that.

    We live in a high desert. Last year’s winter was a total nothing burger, making for a hot drought summer.
    This year so far, we’ve had more snow then all of last winter. So I’m praying for more (TY, God).
    And if any of y’all don’t want what you’ve got, feel free to send it here to the Wasatch mountains. We’re always in a drought.

  15. Just need to dust off Gennie and fire it up, & fix the feral cats a warmer bed, & we’re all set.
    Don’t forget some jugs filled with water for flushing the toilet in case the pipes freeze.

  16. Hey Clyde, we too were worried when it only got up to 63 east of Phoenix. Made provisions to take in sets of elderly neighbors if things get ugly. Kinda worried about losing gas and electric because of higher priorities. However, we’re prepared.

  17. Expecting -1 foxtrot and an inch of snow here in south central KY. Nothing will be open Friday and it’ll be a good day to stay off the roads as no one around here knows how to drive in snow.

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