Storming the Beaches of Starbucks – IOTW Report

Storming the Beaches of Starbucks

Good read.

ht/ all too much

11 Comments on Storming the Beaches of Starbucks

  1. These people are, by and large, kids playing at revolution. Those manipulating them are upping the ante, and people have already begun to die. Regardless of who’s to blame, the dead will still be dead, and when it dawns on some of them that it’s for real they’ll retreat to mommy’s basement.

  2. no matter when and how it starts, once it starts, can anyone tell us where it will all end ?

    even when we win this battle what will we have to do for a clear victory and the resultant peace?
    and will we be willing to do it ?

    I hope that those of that love this country and want it preserved as it was founded will live to see it preserved in the end.
    but once this rock gets rolling, how can we know where it will end up ?

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