Strange Omissions In The Reporting of a Woman’s Murder – IOTW Report

Strange Omissions In The Reporting of a Woman’s Murder

I would highly recommend going to the second link to see what this post is really about.


Defendant receives life without parole for murder-for-hire plot. A woman was hired to kill the wife. The shot only paralyzed her. The shooter’s son was later hired to finish the job. The entire fee was $2000.

A sad case.

But what was dropped from the reporting after sentence was rendered?

Can you guess?


ht/ merry mouse

After you’re done with the first link, go here to see that the article hadn’t even begun to get to the bottom of this barrel.

15 Comments on Strange Omissions In The Reporting of a Woman’s Murder

  1. Initially, the deputy medical examiner determined Higbee-Benton’s death was caused by a heart attack.

    Her body was taken to the Oregon State Medical Examiner’s Office in Clackamas where an autopsy was performed the following day.

    Autopsy results showed Higbee-Benton had been shot and strangled. The matter of death was determined to be “homicide” and the cause of death was a “gunshot wound of the back, neck compression/strangulation, and blunt force chest and abdominal trauma.”

    Wow! Deputy ME took easy way out. Every dead body is cardiac arrest. He could have thrown in respiratory arrest too for extra credit. Might have made up for missing the bullet hole and other physical trauma.

  2. But wait, all the propaganda Tee Vee shows for the past 20 years show sexual deviants as the hippest, smartest, most well adjusted, successful, high-earning, well dressed people EVAH!!1!

    You mean to tell me they were lying their arses off?!?

    I’m shocked

  3. You know what? I had a bit of a problem following the genders in this piece,maybe some different pronouns would have helped. That or,more likely, better writing! If believe the reporter tried to too PC.

  4. BFH said: After you’re done with the first link, go here to see that the article hadn’t even begun to get to the bottom of this barrel.

    I think it might be a barrel without a bottom, kinda like a portal to Hell

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