Louisiana: Students Are Demanding A Professor Be Fired For Opposing Slavery – IOTW Report

Louisiana: Students Are Demanding A Professor Be Fired For Opposing Slavery

Summit News: Students are petitioning to have a professor at Loyola University New Orleans fired over his opinions on slavery, even though he vehemently opposes it.

Economics professor Walter Block says his opposes slavery because he is a libertarian, but that reasoning isn’t good enough for some students, who wish to see the professor removed because he doesn’t have exactly the same opinions as they do.

petition, signed by over 600 students, alleges that Block has ‘racist and sexist beliefs’.

The petition claims that Block “has publicly stated that he believes slavery to be wrong because it goes against Libertarianism, not because it is morally wrong.” MORE

11 Comments on Louisiana: Students Are Demanding A Professor Be Fired For Opposing Slavery

  1. Mao gave his kiddie Communist “Red Guard” guns to go and smash anything and anyone he thought had any ties to the old culture and beliefs.
    This BLM and Antifa trash are taking their guidance from Mao’s methods and are led and funded from several sources.
    In a 2nd Amendment America, where “there is a rifle behind every blade of grass” the arming of these groups at this time would mean their destruction so they cannot yet grab power using force of arms. Their bosses mistimed their move;
    mistaking control of our institutions as being power enough
    to win their way to power. They must have force of arms
    and the people who oppose them are the armed protectors they cannot beat.
    In the meantime, DJT needs to cut the heads from these snakes.

  2. Speaking of slavery…..OT….

    Bubba Wallace started his first race for NASCAR since the noose incident….He was inspired and all charged up for the BLM movement…..He started 23rd, finished 22nd out of 34 and was a lap behind at the end….DAMN HE GOOD!…

  3. Walter Block doesn’t have a racist atom in his body.

    I have several of his books, and have read a lot of his articles at Mises.org and LewRockwell.com. I’ve had the good fortune to have met and talked with the man on a few occasions.

    The “problem” with Walter Block is that he is a completely rational, thoughtful, ethical, educated, and principled man. And on top of that he’s quite feisty in an exquisitely courteous manner, and has a wonderfully dry sense of humor.


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